Cody was running equipment yesterday with his own key. He took it with him of course. Cody headed off today to no-cell-service-land and was gone when the foreman called and said he had no key. I had to drive 2 1/2 hours round trip to bring him a dang key. Who doesn't have a ring of equipment keys a half a dozen Cat keys? I probably have 25 equipment keys in my truck.
Borrowed equipment.Keys? who needs keys? saw wrench and a hammer...
Oh... Well I guess if you want to keep borrowing it...Borrowed equipment.
I have a cat key.Now, how does it work?
That Cat key works only on very old Cats. It also starts old 966s, graders, skidders, and shovels. Be sure to take video.
Just be sure to put it back where you got it. Leave a bag of cookies on the seat. Fuel it.Graders? I would like that. There are a lot of needy roads out there.
Just be sure to put it back where you got it. Leave a bag of cookies on the seat. Fuel it.
Oh, if you're going to run a blade on logging roads you'll have to develop the "blade operator's scowl". That's the look that tells the guys that are running over your berm or not taking the time to split their tracks that they're screwing up your program.
Really? All? LOL...not in my neighborhood.Now it's all gps guided jobbys.
Haha not in the machines the small companies have I suppose.