The Descriptive Process

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I should do that at my house! I have plenty of water, but with the three teenagers there, the days that the wife gets the last shower she always comes out grumpy!
I saw yer gooberner wants to implement "shower fines" for long showers. . . Riiiiiiiiiight.
The LAW requires a 2 gallon per minute shower head and a maximum 5 minute shower. The City hire "water cops" during the summer to enforce the regulations.

Still the City does not address the real problem here. That is well "owners" using as much water as they want. Only 30% of the legal wells have a water meter.
We have a couple of part-time water cops up here now. They're law enforcement students from the community college. The county bought them brand new pickups to drive.
Yesterday, when it rained almost 2 inches in 24 hours, they were out on patrol. We're not sure why.
They don't let them carry guns. We're grateful for that.
We have a couple of part-time water cops up here now. They're law enforcement students from the community college. The county bought them brand new pickups to drive.
Yesterday, when it rained almost 2 inches in 24 hours, they were out on patrol. We're not sure why.
They don't let them carry guns. We're greatful for that.
Could always put some squirt guns in their truck when they are not looking ;)
Could always put some squirt guns in their truck when they are not looking ;)

Hmmm...since they want to be real cops when they grow up we could arm them with heavy weaponry...SUPER SOAKERS!
They could creep stealthily through quiet residential neighborhoods, dressed in cop-ninja costumes and when they catch some little old lady illegally watering her hydrangeas they could leap out and blast her. Instant gratification.
Lost a skidder tire today... patch didn't hold or something, now the sidewall is gone.

Can't afford to replace it, being as I've spent the last 3 months fixing my old ass equipment.

Still have a spare but its bald and I'm working on steep (like cat ground steep) clay... haven't been paid yet, climber supposed to be out tomorrow but weather is probably not going to cooperate...

And I have a compression fracture, sprained acl, and tendonitus of my right knee...

otherwise things are doing good.
Lost a skidder tire today... patch didn't hold or something, now the sidewall is gone.

Can't afford to replace it, being as I've spent the last 3 months fixing my old ass equipment.

Still have a spare but its bald and I'm working on steep (like cat ground steep) clay... haven't been paid yet, climber supposed to be out tomorrow but weather is probably not going to cooperate...

And I have a compression fracture, sprained acl, and tendonitus of my right knee...

otherwise things are doing good.
i'm broke down to bro......F' ing truck.
i tore my acl completely years ago, it is a pain like no other. heal well.
It just quit the downpour and skies are clearing up ,see some daylight popping through ,will send this south for ya ,maybe it will dry the clay some ,i have bobcat work to do this weekend ,stump burning ,oh fun ,mud ,rubber tires and trying to get stumps to burn ...My old junk just blew a hose ,i know about breakdowns ,200 bucks of oil on the ground i just put in the machine a week ago :confused:
Most of my repairs over the last 3 months have been more a lack of maintenance from the previous owners... So by the time they got to me each one cost several hundred, just to make the machine reliable again. As always its things I knew I was getting into before I bought them, just timing was horrible is all.

Grease, oil changes, fix leaks while they are small, and dammit learn to ******* weld...
Lost a skidder tire today... patch didn't hold or something, now the sidewall is gone.

Can't afford to replace it, being as I've spent the last 3 months fixing my old ass equipment.

Still have a spare but its bald and I'm working on steep (like cat ground steep) clay... haven't been paid yet, climber supposed to be out tomorrow but weather is probably not going to cooperate...

And I have a compression fracture, sprained acl, and tendonitus of my right knee...

otherwise things are doing good.
Now yer log'n.

Sorry ya lost some rubber. :0(
I ******* hate cotton wood...

I smell like dog poo...

And damned near lost one over the neighbors driveway, with the missus being timber locked... wind and weak hold wood...

Rained hard last night so all that clay turned into mud instantly... trying to walk the missus up a ridge and started sliding towards the steeper edge/powerlines... That Spare is more work than its worth... Nothing to tie onto in front, have to make it to the top or give up, so I hooked a snatch block to the blade, ran the winch line around the side and to a stump forward and mostly to the side... doggy walked her the rest of the way up the hill.

Tomorrow should be better the missus is already on top of the ridge (just hope battery isn't dead) 5 more that need rigged and I can worry about getting em out when it dries up some more.
The sun gear in the old Cat's transmission lost a bunch of teeth today under the stress of sidehilling on a shot rock section. She freewheeled into an Allegheny valley. Bad day. She's going to be a really heavy recovery tomorrow.