The Descriptive Process

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10 miles? That's cheating, ain't it?

Of course it is...

Its also the benefit of living where I do, close enough to the city to get the moneyed folks, and far enough away to still have timber... so the moneyed folks buy up all the good timber then call me to cut it all down.

The county passed an ordinance a few years back blocking developments with houses on less then 5 acres... makes for a bunch of folks with more dirt then they know what to do with... and more trees than you can shake a husky at.

Figure in that Snohomish county is roughly the size of Rhode Island... that's a bunch of dirt what needs clear cut...
Of course it is...

Its also the benefit of living where I do, close enough to the city to get the moneyed folks, and far enough away to still have timber... so the moneyed folks buy up all the good timber then call me to cut it all down.

The county passed an ordinance a few years back blocking developments with houses on less then 5 acres... makes for a bunch of folks with more dirt then they know what to do with... and more trees than you can shake a husky at.

Figure in that Snohomish county is roughly the size of Rhode Island... that's a bunch of dirt what needs clear cut...
Wonder how long till the greenies try to push no clear cutting?

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They already have tried several times, in several different ways, currently they are trying to make developers, and loggers responsible for neighboring trees health and "safety" claiming that disrupting the ground disturbs neighboring trees making them unsafe,

Or worst yet they used the Oso slide to put a moratorium on logging and building, before any geological study's had been completed, now that they have and logging has been determined not to be a cause, yet some people still claim it was a 7 acre clear cut on the back side of a ridge that caused the slide... therefore logging is evil...

The county wants like 1500 or more for any kind of clearing and grading permit, or more, yet DNR only needs 100 for a forestry permit, and they more or less issue them without qualms as long as there isn't much "wet" land.

.... politics... etc... fecking idiots.
They already have tried several times, in several different ways, currently they are trying to make developers, and loggers responsible for neighboring trees health and "safety" claiming that disrupting the ground disturbs neighboring trees making them unsafe,

Or worst yet they used the Oso slide to put a moratorium on logging and building, before any geological study's had been completed, now that they have and logging has been determined not to be a cause, yet some people still claim it was a 7 acre clear cut on the back side of a ridge that caused the slide... therefore logging is evil...

The county wants like 1500 or more for any kind of clearing and grading permit, or more, yet DNR only needs 100 for a forestry permit, and they more or less issue them without qualms as long as there isn't much "wet" land.

.... politics... etc... fecking idiots.
No one said they were smart, got to love their new moto banana.

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In certain counties here clearcuts just aren't allowed. They often don't pass the land use boards. Its amazing how little govts can have so much pull. Working around any water gets sketchy pretty quick. Mud on the road from the trucks. That will get some phone calls. Its amazing what the farmers can get away with though. The'll have liquid **** poured all over the road for a half mile. Re-routing drainage and trenching out creeks. If i want to cross a stream you can float a canoe in (float, not navigate mind you) i need a dnr approved crossing and a $300 permit. Unless the timber is great we usually walk on those.

My nearest job was 2 miles from my house. I cut 225 mbf out of there so far. Going back next winter too. Otherwise 30 mins to an hour is average.
so I did the unthinkable today...

unfortunately didn't get any pictures...

I stood a tree back up! Then cut it down!

Little wind fall cedar for a friend of mine, tossed over a neighbors fence, root wad still attached, so I started limbing it up planning on just hacking of the stump and hoping the fence survived. Well it started to lift as I was limbing er up, not much mind but I could get under it and push a little and she'd move. So limbed off as much as possible from the ground, tied a bull line to it, anchored the other end to the crummy and put a 3-1 in there, with two fat guys pullin on it is stood right up, still leaned a bit the wrong way, but no worries, cut er free while dude pulled on the 3-1 and over she went. Damndest thing I've done with a tree in quite some time though.
Had to be rushed to the ER Saturday evening. Out of the blue it was all I could do to take even a tiny breath. Massive pain on my right side between shoulder and hip.

Bad Pnemonia in right lung and plural effussion (water on lung lining) also been running a fever. Feeling a bit better, but barely. Doc said they may have to suck out the effussion.
It's only been two weeks and I'm sick of sleeping in my shop office. And I'm still looking for a person I can mould into the guy I need to run an operation without my oversight. Might be a long year...

On the plus side, I get some more shiny iron delivered Friday and then we'll be in full swing in the Keystone, Empire and Bluegrass states.

The only way to end a night

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Just spent the last 3 hours looking over a FS contract... only to find the bits I needed at the very end... 90% of the stuff in it don't apply to me, or they concern archaic payment methods.

At this point I'm not even sure they will take a check or if they wan't everything in virgin blood or gold bullion...

My head hurts, my eyes hurt, and I still need a shower.

On the plus side this is totally the my kind of job and timber, no tracks allowed, no full length skidding/yarding, must have a winch,
So wheeled skidder it is...

I am a little concerned about that whole 12" or less stump height though...
Just spent the last 3 hours looking over a FS contract... only to find the bits I needed at the very end... 90% of the stuff in it don't apply to me, or they concern archaic payment methods.

At this point I'm not even sure they will take a check or if they wan't everything in virgin blood or gold bullion...

My head hurts, my eyes hurt, and I still need a shower.

On the plus side this is totally the my kind of job and timber, no tracks allowed, no full length skidding/yarding, must have a winch,
So wheeled skidder it is...

I am a little concerned about that whole 12" or less stump height though...
Would a clambuck forwarder or a regular forwarder work better?

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? maybe, its more of an aggressive thin in patches, 4-6 trees per campsite ish, and to get any money out of them they need to be cut long 36-40' bunch of co-dom, and double topped stuff.

Camp ground is paved everywhere except each camp spot, hence the no tracked rigs.

All decent sized marketable timber, I'm thinking about a load per camp site or 2, just drag em up to the road where a self loader can get at em, and gopher it.

there is a bunch probably 3 loads that I'm guessing the FS cut and is just laying in small piles all over the place? Either that or someone was sport falling...
? maybe, its more of an aggressive thin in patches, 4-6 trees per campsite ish, and to get any money out of them they need to be cut long 36-40' bunch of co-dom, and double topped stuff.

Camp ground is paved everywhere except each camp spot, hence the no tracked rigs.

All decent sized marketable timber, I'm thinking about a load per camp site or 2, just drag em up to the road where a self loader can get at em, and gopher it.

there is a bunch probably 3 loads that I'm guessing the FS cut and is just laying in small piles all over the place? Either that or someone was sport falling...
Would be interesting to see how much hardware is found in those campsite trees. How old would you guess the trees to be? Doug Fir?