So I flooded the log splitter engine, then I think I’ve cross threaded the plug threads on the engine as I don’t have those three year old hands, crap!!!
So I'm taking cdl A classes...
Double clutching is the dumbest most inefficient bull **** ever
Rant over
Here its just points on a test, but I figure I'm going to need as many as possible so I may as well learn it...I'm told some instructors won't pass you unless you double clutch. Period.
That and I figure I have 10 15 years of logging in me, by then I'd like to have me a self loader, and retire doing that
That's some big hours you will have to log. 12 hours is a short day where I grew up. It's 12 hours if everything goes perfectly. Nothing ever goes perfectly when hauling logs out of landing in the land of snow and ice.