General rule of thumb question assuming the information sought is not proprietary or meaningless due to local variables:
With average accessibility in your part of the world, what is the usual split between landowner and logger? How about when a broker/forester is involved? Does species materially impact the split?
My experience is extremely limited and all local - 25 years ago, I sold the logs from one red oak with one veneer or near veneer quality log. The split then was 50% logger, 25% broker and 25% owner. All the logger did was pickup and transport the logs. Later sold a very small patch by taking bids directly from loggers, but can’t remember the ending split - I do remember that the loads from one walnut brought more than half the gross for all, but required transport to a more distant mill.
Question is part curiosity and part personal. Curiosity extends all the way to BW’s neck of the woods.
With average accessibility in your part of the world, what is the usual split between landowner and logger? How about when a broker/forester is involved? Does species materially impact the split?
My experience is extremely limited and all local - 25 years ago, I sold the logs from one red oak with one veneer or near veneer quality log. The split then was 50% logger, 25% broker and 25% owner. All the logger did was pickup and transport the logs. Later sold a very small patch by taking bids directly from loggers, but can’t remember the ending split - I do remember that the loads from one walnut brought more than half the gross for all, but required transport to a more distant mill.
Question is part curiosity and part personal. Curiosity extends all the way to BW’s neck of the woods.