My exprience with Yellow Jacket has not been that great. It seems to be sort of a limp feeling rope that tends to get kinks and hockles in it fairly easy. As a footlocking rope it leaves a lot to be desired, single line or doubled. Overall it is a good tree climbing rope I just wouldn't rate it AAA like I would Blue Streak.
Another Sampson rope I've been using lately is called the Acsender. Same exact constuction as a Blue Streak only smaller diameter like the Yellow Jacket. A local arborist supplier ask me to give a try instead of the Blue Streak I wanted. If I didn't like it full refund no questions asked. I've enjoyed using this rope from the day one. With my VT cord it is an almost flaw less combo. I don't have mind the VT as much as I would with other ropes. I just wished they would have picked different colors for it, bright red with white, makes it look like a candy cane, that is what the groundman calls it the candy cane rope. OK for this time of year, though.