The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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I was really just pointing out his blatant disregard for the environment...
:wtf: Blatant disregard??
It's OK if he burns wood?? I'm guessin' it's OK if he burns (soft) coal??
(Have you ever heated with a coal furnace?? They make the same smoke and rancid sulfur smell... that's what burnin' coal does.)
But if he burns coal impregnated wood it's blatant disregard for the environment??

...and his neighbors.
You mean his rural neighbors who's house is 700 yards away??

Apparently OWB owners are the ONLY ones that burn bad stuff.
Naw... there's still homes heatin' with coal using indoor appliances.

Your not gonna die because you get a whiff of smoke. Your not gonna get cancer from a bit of bad wood. Your not gonna have respiratory disease cause you sat in your treestand one night smelling a bit of smoke.
But ya' might fall out'a the tree, break your neck, and die :D
@the GOAT , @the GOAT , @the GOAT , says bring back the dislike button , so we can follow people around we don't like and dislike all their posts @the GOAT
Don't make me go and undo all the likes I've given you.
Question everything you're told.

I've been to Banned Camp... a few times... it ain't like a punishment... more like a vacation.

You know the mods have a special kind of hate for you when they put you on discourage. Or ban you and then take over your account and start posting **** under your name.
You guys do realize that burning coal-tar creosote is cleaner and more efficient than burning unrefined coal... right??
It's sort'a like the difference between burnin' fuel oil (refined petroleum) in your furnace verses burnin' crude oil (unrefined petroleum) in it.
Coal-tar was the "fuel oil" of it's day... it was used as fuel to power all sorts of stuff.
Often, when history references "coal powered", it's actually referencing "coal-tar creosote powered" (refined coal).
You guys do realize that burning coal-tar creosote is cleaner and more efficient than burning unrefined coal... right??
It's sort'a like the difference between burnin' fuel oil (refined petroleum) in your furnace verses burnin' crude oil (unrefined petroleum) in it.
Coal-tar was the "fuel oil" of it's day... it was used as fuel to power all sorts of stuff.
Often, when history references "coal powered", it's actually referencing "coal-tar creosote powered" (refined coal).
prior to the ripoff gas co's,,, as you said,, there was a product call COAL OIL.. essentially,, FUEL OIL...and many other products made from the same.. the price of COAL oil,, was DIRT cheap. then the fuel co's, discovered crude, and made FUEL oil so cheap,, it put the COAL co's fuel out of business..after that happened,, the price of FUEL oil,, went waaaay up!!! in America,, no less..........................................................and after this oil,,is taken out of coal,, you have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,coke, which burns farrr better than base coal.. see what the cost,, of a bag of coke is now,, for a forge. thattll shock yah..............
I would think a oil furnace, burns cleaner than burning RR ties in an owb.
Your not gonna convince anyone that it is safe to breath that smoke in.

Let me ask you a serious question... dead serious...

Let's say we lock you in 10²/ft room and pipe the exhaust from a running oil furnace into that room.
And let's say we lock me in 10²/ft room and pipe the exhaust from an OWB burning RR ties into that room.
And then let's say when one of us dies the other guy is set free from his room.

Which of us lives?? Hmmmm.....??

Just sayin'.
Let me ask you a serious question... dead serious...

Let's say we lock you in 10²/ft room and pipe the exhaust from a running oil furnace into that room.
And let's say we lock me in 10²/ft room and pipe the exhaust from an OWB burning RR ties into that room.
And then let's say when one of us dies the other guy is set free from his room.

Which of us lives?? Hmmmm.....??

Just sayin'.
so are you saying we're not suppose to "exhaust" it into the house??? sounds like blaster didn't know this... WS you are a hero...imagine the number of lives you just saved:rock:
Here, we burn all our garbage in a barrel, out in the yard (except the glass and tin)... pretty much common (and legal) practice.
Can't do it in the town north of me because of local ordinance... but there's a burn barrel behind near ever house in the town south of me.

Do you use PT or telephone poles for the barbaque? The old boards from the barn add a nice lead flavor too!
You would die within minutes from smoke inhalation from the RR ties. It might take 30 minutes for the oil furnace to get you. Just guessing

I think just wood smoke would get you before carbon monoxide
I know I'm not really in any danger from his smoke.. I'm far enough away and the wind has to be just right. But I don't understand how you can think it's safe or ok for this guy to be doing this. There is maybe 15-20 guys in are township using outdoor burners. They are not a necessity. And every guy that has one has a big mess around it( piles of pallets and junk wood, ect.) And our township board are some real pricks. It's just a matter of time till they outlaw them. We have a list of ordinances a mile long. I just had to saw off a building and move it because it didn't quite fit in their ordinances. And they don't budge on them!! 20150321_143234.jpg
You would die within minutes from smoke inhalation from the RR ties. It might take 30 minutes for the oil furnace to get you. Just guessing

Wrong guess‼

People trapped in a burning build die quickly from what is commonly called "smoke inhalation"... but what kills so fast is the extremely hot gasses, not the "smoke". Those gasses are so hot they literally cook the respiratory system... you fry from the inside out. If you are lucky enough to find a spot where the "hot" smoke is cooled before it gets to you, (so-called) "smoke inhalation" will likely kill you through poisoning... all those burning synthetics (like carpet, upholstery, plastics, and whatnot) create a thick soup of highly poisonous gasses (like cyanide) that kill quite quick. Next in order will be carbon monoxide... which is how the oil furnace will get ya', and pretty damn fast I might add. Lastly, and much later if the others ain't as prevalent, comes the irritation to the respiratory system (actually, and finally caused by "smoke") which eventually produces swelling to the point you can't bring anything in... you suffocate. I will guarantee you'd be all finished twitchin' before the smoke caused me to suffocate. I'd be coughin' and gaggin', but I'd still be alive... you'd be dead.
Wrong guess‼

People trapped in a burning build die quickly from what is commonly called "smoke inhalation"... but what kills so fast is the extremely hot gasses, not the "smoke". Those gasses are so hot they literally cook the respiratory system... you fry from the inside out. If you are lucky enough to find a spot where the "hot" smoke is cooled before it gets to you, (so-called) "smoke inhalation" will likely kill you through poisoning... all those burning synthetics (like carpet, upholstery, plastics, and whatnot) create a thick soup of highly poisonous gasses (like cyanide) that kill quite quick. Next in order will be carbon monoxide... which is how the oil furnace will get ya', and pretty damn fast I might add. Lastly, and much later if the others ain't as prevalent, comes the irritation to the respiratory system (actually, and finally caused by "smoke") which eventually produces swelling to the point you can't bring anything in... you suffocate. I will guarantee you'd be all finished twitchin' before the smoke caused me to suffocate. I'd be coughin' and gaggin', but I'd still be alive... you'd be dead.
Well that's your theory