The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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...I dont need the epa to tell me that creosote can cause 2nd and 3rd degree burns on skin if left untreated.
Burns?? You must have some horribly sensitive skin. I've handled new creosote treated "poles" without gloves or shirt... never once received a "burn"... not even an irritation (I have received a splinter or two).
My sweaty shirtless azz has leaned over 'em, laid on 'em, and fully-body hugged 'em during settin', climbin' and workin' on 'em... nothing except a little color that washes off in the shower at the end of the day (shrug)
And I can't count how many times I've handled railroad ties during landscaping and building shootin' range backstops (no gloves, shirtless and wearin' shorts)... nothin', not even irritation.

I dont know whats in creosote...
In it?? It's coal tar... there ain't nothin' in it that ain't in coal.

...but if it will take the skin off, I dont think its to much of a leap to think that breathing it would destroy your lungs.
Some people's skin explodes into near flames and they start coughin' 'n' gaggin' from alfalfa... does their allergy make alfalfa is a life-threatening toxin to everyone??
Some people fall down dead from eating peanut butter... does their allergy make peanut butter is a life-threatening toxin to everyone??
And does that also mean if I dip some hay in peanut butter, toss it on the fire and breath a little smoke it will destroy my lungs faster than a speedin' bullet??

Friggin' rediculous‼
Spidey, you might have handled a dozen or so old used ties in one day. Try handleing a couple of thousand new ties a day every day and then come back and talk about it. Not trying to suggest your experiences with ties are limited, but I know hundreds of men that have experienced creosote burns, including myself. Some so bad that they had to seek medical treatment. Modern day Xties dont contain the same amount of creosote as they used back in the 1970's, but its still being used.
OK somebody enlighten me here. People have mentioned telephone poles. I thought just the bottome 6 feet or so was all that was treated. Apparently not????

My buddy has his garage sided inside and out with milled telephone poles. The real old ones are cedar.
Spidey, you might have handled a dozen or so old used ties in one day. Try handleing a couple of thousand new ties a day every day and then come back and talk about it. Not trying to suggest your experiences with ties are limited, but I know hundreds of men that have experienced creosote burns, including myself. Some so bad that they had to seek medical treatment. Modern day Xties dont contain the same amount of creosote as they used back in the 1970's, but its still being used.
When I worked at photo factory developing old school film people could and did get sensitized to the chemicals used. One day they would be fine if they spilled some on their skin...eventually they would be so sensitized they couldn't get within 50' of a sealed barrel without breaking out into a rash.
Back in the 70's the railraod used tiegangs with about 50 men. The goal was to install 2000 ties a day. They used a Portec tiemaster and you had to install 1 tie a min to be considered qualified to be a qualified operator. The first portec took 3 men to operate, one operator to run the machine, a man to pull tie plates off the old tie, and a hooker to pull the tieplate off the other side and hand a new tie in the chain to be drug back under the rail. The first plate puller would run around the machine and drive a long hook into the new tie so the hooker could place the hook in the chain to be pulled back in. These ties where all new with creosote running out of them. Just driving the pin into the tie would result in creosote splattering. Most of the guys would use their gloved hand to shield the hook as it was being driven to prevent the creosote from hitting them in the face. latter the machines where updated to where the operator pulled his own plates on one side which eliminated one laborer.

Later, early 80's Portec came out with a TKO, This made it possible to remove and insert ties without having to actually touch the tie with human hands. The TKO had a kicker that started the tie out from under the rail and a boom with gripper that grabbed the tie and yanked it the rest of the way out. The hooker and plate puller would pick the plates off the old tie after it was extracted. Tie production was upped to about 300 ties perhr using two machines instead of the 5 old tiemasters. Later Tamper came out with there version of a tie machine and called it a TRI. They did away with the kicker and just used the boom to grap the end of the tie and jerk it out from under the rail with one stroke. I set the old record of tie extraction at 720 ties prhr with one of these machines. That record has since been beat, 740ties perhr, with a newer updated version of the TRI. The newer machine uses a 3.5in cylinder instead of the old 4in cylinder for faster cycle times. That is still just tie extraction and it takes another machine to reinstall the new ties. All told, actual tie installation isnt really all that much faster than it was 40 years ago. 5 machines capable of 300ties per hr using 5 operators and 5 laborers. Now you have added equipment, added operators and added laborers to get the same number of ties. 2 TRI,operators, one tie handleing operator to lay the new tie in place so the second TRI can grab and install it. 2 laborers pulling plates off the old ties, and pleing them up to be reused. A track broom operator to sweep the dirt and rock off the newly installed ties so 2 more laborers can lay the tie plates back on the new tie for installation. 2 plate jack operators to jack the rail and reinstall the tie plates. Still got 5 operators, and now 6 laborers. And if you want to install as many ties as you can extract, you need two TRIs intsalling to keep up with the one extracting. The big gangs use 2 TRI's to extract and 3 to install and try to adverage 7000 ties a day.
After readin' this thread and learnin' what a horribly deadly thing coal-tar creosote is, I can't figure out why the producers of railroad ties and power poles are still allowed to use it. I mean... c'mon, somebody might touch 'em and end up in the burn ward... or even the morgue‼

Y'all do know that in the past it was taken orally as medicine... right? For things like stomach ulcers and such??
So... if it removes skin how is that possible?? Wouldn't it burn a hole through your belly and cause your guts to fall out on the floor??

Try handleing a couple of thousand new ties a day every day and then come back and talk about it.
Long-term exposure to near anything will cause "issues"... I'm bettin' it wouldn't so good for ya' to smear Vaseline on your skin several times a day for weeks on end either, but no one is callin' it a "deadly powerful toxin".
People who work in saw mills can develop lung problems from breathin' sawdust (a known carcinogen) hour-after-hour, day-after-day.
Some people develop nasty skin rashes from certain types of wood chips or dust.
Does those things stop you from using your circular saw?? Does those things stop you from using your chainsaw??
Should we call in a HazMat team to sweep up the sawdust when we're finished.
And does that mean breathing a little wood smoke it will destroy my lungs faster than a speedin' bullet??

Heck... that dust you breath every time you clean the ashes from your stove likely does more friggin' damage than you'd ever get from burnin' RR ties.

Friggin' rediculous‼
I'm bettin' it wouldn't so good for ya' to smear Vaseline on your skin several times a day for weeks on end either, but no one is callin' it a "deadly powerful toxin".

I might know for a fact that is definitely untrue, I was a teenager once and back then they didn't have the fufu creams they do now.
Grown up conversations?? Ya' mean like this thread??

We have nineteen pages of guys sayin' that burning (coal-tar) creosote creates smoke loaded with all sorts of nasty "toxins" not found in smoke from "clean" wood... yet not a single one of those "toxins" can be named. If ya' do ask what "toxins", the answer is... "well, the EPA (or some-such) says they do."
What's funny is I can't find where the EPA specifically says any such thing... so how do you have a grown-up conversation with someone who just repeats (without verifying, yet presenting, as fact) what they've heard, been told, or simply wanna' "believe"?? That ain't bein' "grown-up", that's what schoolboys do...
Nuh-uh, my teacher say... Nuh-uh, my dad says...
Grown-ups think for themselves and verify before presenting as fact... grown-ups don't act like parrots repeating words they've heard.

We have nineteen pages of guys sayin' that burning (coal-tar) creosote creates smoke loaded with all sorts of "carcinogens" not found in smoke from "clean" wood... yet not a single one of those "carcinogens" can be named. If ya' do ask what "carcinogens", the answer is... "well, the EPA (or some-such) says they do."
What's funny is I can't find where the EPA specifically says any such thing... so how do you have a grown-up conversation with someone who just repeats (without verifying, yet presenting, as fact) what they've heard, been told, or simply wanna' "believe"?? That ain't bein' "grown-up", that's what schoolboys do...
Nuh-uh, my teacher say... Nuh-uh, my dad says...
Grown-ups think for themselves and verify before presenting as fact... grown-ups don't act like parrots repeating words they've heard.

We have nineteen pages of guys callin' this OWB owner nearly every low-life name ever invented... but not one of these name-callers has so much as even laid eyes on the guy. They look at a few pictures from the OP and jump right on the band wagon chiming what a planet-wreckin' slob this guy is...

Yeah... grown up conversations... give me a friggin' break‼

Hey Spidey, not sure if you are directing most of this at me but I'm not arguing against you on the "toxic" subject". I think your input on this subject has been educational for a lot of folks. My position has been, and still is, from a particulate standpoint.

It's easy at times to get the wrong idea about another member. I happen to believe you are a highly intelligent member of this forum. You remind me a lot of my dad. He quit school after the sixth grade but didn't get much out of school up to that point either. He really had a brilliant engineering and common sense mind but never fully realized his potential because doors don't open when you don't have that piece of paper. He made something out of himself through sheer hard work and sacrifice. One thing he always pounded in my mind growing up was to think for myself and question everything. Sound familiar?

As for having grown up conversations: I really try to treat people on this forum like I would treat them in real life and yes, I have been called an a-hole (and worse) many times. My general policy is not to cuss or name call. The name calling is a difficult thing because sometimes, while describing my thoughts about another member, it may come across as name calling. I'm not perfect but I really try to adhere to this policy. My point with the "douche your mouth" button was strictly for Nathon and Ironworker. You can't have grown up conversations when you interact like they do.

Know this my AS friend: You piss me off at times just like I'm sure I piss you off. But I have grown fond of you because I have now spend enough time on this forum to understand you better. We won't always agree but realize...I agree with you more than I disagree with you.
EVERYONE... like this post in support of banning that killer peanut butter!!!
me likey PBnJ...
Hey Spidey, not sure if you are directing most of this at me but I'm not arguing against you on the "toxic" subject". I think your input on this subject has been educational for a lot of folks. My position has been, and still is, from a particulate standpoint.

It's easy at times to get the wrong idea about another member. I happen to believe you are a highly intelligent member of this forum. You remind me a lot of my dad. He quit school after the sixth grade but didn't get much out of school up to that point either. He really had a brilliant engineering and common sense mind but never fully realized his potential because doors don't open when you don't have that piece of paper. He made something out of himself through sheer hard work and sacrifice. One thing he always pounded in my mind growing up was to think for myself and question everything. Sound familiar?

As for having grown up conversations: I really try to treat people on this forum like I would treat them in real life and yes, I have been called an a-hole (and worse) many times. My general policy is not to cuss or name call. The name calling is a difficult thing because sometimes, while describing my thoughts about another member, it may come across as name calling. I'm not perfect but I really try to adhere to this policy. My point with the "douche your mouth" button was strictly for Nathon and Ironworker. You can't have grown up conversations when you interact like they do.

Know this my AS friend: You piss me off at times just like I'm sure I piss you off. But I have grown fond of you because I have now spend enough time on this forum to understand you better. We won't always agree but realize...I agree with you more than I disagree with you.
I hear ironworker likes that ignore should try it!:buttkick:
Long-term exposure to near anything will cause "issues"... I'm bettin' it wouldn't so good for ya' to smear Vaseline on your skin several times a day for weeks on end either, but no one is callin' it a "deadly powerful toxin".

Actually most of the folks that had to handle ties back then did smear Vaseline all over themselfs to protect against the creosote burns. Didnt work, but was better than nothing.
Hey Spidey, not sure if you are directing most of this at me but I'm not arguing against you on the "toxic" subject". I think your input on this subject has been educational for a lot of folks. My position has been, and still is, from a particulate standpoint.

It's easy at times to get the wrong idea about another member. I happen to believe you are a highly intelligent member of this forum. You remind me a lot of my dad. He quit school after the sixth grade but didn't get much out of school up to that point either. He really had a brilliant engineering and common sense mind but never fully realized his potential because doors don't open when you don't have that piece of paper. He made something out of himself through sheer hard work and sacrifice. One thing he always pounded in my mind growing up was to think for myself and question everything. Sound familiar?

As for having grown up conversations: I really try to treat people on this forum like I would treat them in real life and yes, I have been called an a-hole (and worse) many times. My general policy is not to cuss or name call. The name calling is a difficult thing because sometimes, while describing my thoughts about another member, it may come across as name calling. I'm not perfect but I really try to adhere to this policy. My point with the "douche your mouth" button was strictly for Nathon and Ironworker. You can't have grown up conversations when you interact like they do.

Know this my AS friend: You piss me off at times just like I'm sure I piss you off. But I have grown fond of you because I have now spend enough time on this forum to understand you better. We won't always agree but realize...I agree with you more than I disagree with you.

So are you calling spidey your daddy? or asking him on a date?:heart: :rolleyes: JK

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