I always have been a conservative conversationalist.. As to being limited to my neck of the woods My little town is a railroad town on the mainline Have many friends working and retired . Lots of memories and exposure living here. I have taken a few checks from BNSF Have shipped a few carloads before trucking became more feasible to me and did pay demurrage once when the Lumber didn't get loaded fast enough. I have been out of my county I even have running water in my home when it isn't raining...As for a blanket statement I merely relayed what my friend that is Trackmaster of Eastern Nebr. once told me the rest of it comes from news papers and so on. . Can't say I have ever Hopped a train but sounds like fun. You seem to be a very knowledgeable guy . Why would you need to be so condescending to impress others with your intelligence...? Chaos and tension accomplished I guess my work is done for now. ADIOS
Condesending, really. You posted a statement as fact about a topic you now admit to only being told by a third party and reading a little something in the paper about, and I corrected your mistake and now I am condesending. You Know some folks that work or did work for a company, did some business with them and that makes you an expert on how that company does business, OK.
Just so you might understand more about me let me start with I have actually worked for a railroad company for close to 40 years. I am still currently employeed by that same company. If I dont know at least a little bit about how a railroad operates, then I have wasted a lifetime. My pointing out your mis-statment about BNSF only using concrete crossties wasnt meant to be some sort of I am smarter than you are statement, just a mere pointing out of a fact. I never implied that I was more intellegent than you, or know more about a subject, but I would venture to guess if you want to discuss railroads, you might could learn a thing or two by listening to what I have to say on that subject. Do I know all there is to know about running a railroad, very doubtful, but when you look at upper management these days, its doubtful they know what their doing either.