Wood's Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips...
Wait till they spread and fertilize with chicken chit...That'll get the ol' sniffer tuned in real good. Lol
Wait till they spread and fertilize with chicken chit...That'll get the ol' sniffer tuned in real good. Lol
I know,,I've been reading your posts and I'm still here.Because bu!!$h!t ain't harmful to your health... just offensive to your sensibilities.
Forget the noxious thing. If you have ever been downwind of a hog farm you have experienced the ultimate in objectionable, regardless of any toxins that may or may not be in that air. I once bought a purebred dog at a hog farm and was sure I had made a mistake even going up the driveway to the house to talk about a dog. The dog was a real joy but I never had any desire to return to tell the seller about it.Ever been down wind from an ethanol plant?? A hog farm??
Some people find all of those things "noxious"... some others hardly notice.
It is impossible to ever prove the negative on any subject. Try proving that well water is less dangerous than city water, but no way will I wait for your proof to show up and I will say that any difference in what you show I can challenge as a potential negative, not positive factor. Then you get to chase that down. Do you even begin to understand what "proving" the "not worse" can mean on any subject? If you were a ****ing scientist you would already be willing to back away from your ridiculous point of view. Nobody can ever prove what you ask but let me reverse the challenge. Prove that burning is more more harmful or just give up and say you really don't know. You don't need to be a scientist to see that your perspective is unsupported and you at least need to define why you believe what you believe.I'm not a ****ing scientist, but I'm pretty sure burning railroad ties is worse than plain firewood. Show me some proof that it isn't more harmful. You talk like you know everything about everything, when in reality you don't know ****! Any human with a fuctioning brain will tell you it's harmful because when you smell it you want to get away from it. And the fumes or smoke lingers. I actually can't think of anything else that someone could burn that lingers and stinks as bad, not even plastic or are lost in the 50's
Really, how many trips do you make to the store each week. Did you drive anywhere this week that wasnt work related. Have you really even tried to reduce your environmental foot print. Do you compost your household waste, or just throw it all in a trash can, filling up the landfills. Nobody I know likes the smell of burning cross ties, and I agree most anyone burning them has little respect for the folks around them, but unless you are doing your part to reduce pollution, you aint got no business trying to tell someone else what they can and cannot do.
likes what?? admitted troll.............
define "most" places harry,, don't put that leftists spin on aint illegal also aint illegal in Kentucky,,cause that's where cn sent old railroad ties to be burnt in a electric generation facility.........I do if it is against the law and burning ties is illegal in most places.
Harry K
tell yah what,, motor mouth admitted troll.. go show up at SS's place.. I want to be there...internet keyboard mouth...^^^^^^^^^
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he is the goat...or hes trying to emulate him....You must be south of a Goat.
another keyboard wannabe mod..........................well it looks like you just didgood for you
good Lord,, I do wish youd stop makeing them look dumb,, with their damn hypocrisy...........Ummmm..... some people have the same opinion about plain ol' wood smoke ya' know??
Those people quite literally say, "Burning wood is doing more than your share, it's really noxious."
If it is not OK for someone to burn something because of your opinion... why is it OK for you to burn something in spite of someone's opinion??
Those people don't want to breath your wood smoke... and even worse, they don't want it "poisoning" their children.
How can you defend your creation of smoke to heat your home... while at the same time condemning the creation of smoke by someone else for the same purpose. What makes your smoke special?? Just because it may be, in your opinion, less nasty?? Just because it may, in your opinion, smell better?? How can you not recognize the hypocrisy??
My mother gets instantly sick to her stomach whenever she's behind a diesel pickup... the exhaust is quite literally "noxious" to her.
So people driving diesel pickups are doing more than their share?? Driving them is not OK?? They shouldn't be allowed to drive them??
And there ain't no argument that diesel exhaust is poisonous.
My daughter hates the smell of two-cycle mix being burned... it's really quite offensive to her, it is "noxious" to her.
So people using two-cycle engines are doing more than their share?? Using them is not OK?? They shouldn't be allowed to use them??
And there ain't no argument that two-cycle exhaust is poisonous.
Burning leaves?? Grass clippings?? Trash burning barrels??
Ever been down wind from an ethanol plant?? A hog farm??
Some people find all of those things "noxious"... some others hardly notice.
Somebody please show me some sort'a proof that standing 100 yards down wind from a pile of burning RR ties is more harmful than standing down wind from a pile of burning logs. Don't tell me what may, or may not, be in the smoke... show me the proof.
and hes much better,,and wayyy more articulate then you will EVER be......much smarter also........
I read about that skag,, she a leftist hypocrite of the highest order,, like a lot of the political filth......That's some nasty lookin crap she has hangin from her head.
yours??????slowp's relative?
yeah,,and which city in mich,,is now experiencing that with their drinking water???I dont know what chemicals are in creosote, but considering the creosote was derived from a product that was originally plant life, I would suspect the chemical content would be very much the same thing. Sure, because the product was condensed over the centuries into a more compact product and is now minus the chemical gasses that where once a big part of the natural plant life it was derived from, the concentrations of the heavier metals might be higher, but it would still be the same heavy metals contained in the original plant life. A crosstie is a plant byproduct and contains mostly wood. The only difference is the concentrated elements added to that wood. Which would be only a few ounces or a small percentage of the total weight or volume of the xtie. On the other hand, Natural gas, petroleum products, are the entire concentration of all those heavy metals, without being diluted by the addition of other plant products. I would guess, altho I am not an expert on the subject, that that one gallon of gas you put in your car, or that one gal of natural gas or propane you run thru your gas furnace, or that one gallon of oil for those that use oil for heat, would contain more of the heavy metal pollutants that one cross tie would contain. For those that use electricity and think they are not polluting, prepare for a shocker, because most of your electric power plants use coal or natural gas as a fuel source. Now someone will try to talk about all the scrubbers those power plants use to clean up the pollutants they spew into the air, but before you get to cocky on that subject, just remember that those scrubbers have to be cleaned and all that junk just get dumped into a waste pit to escape and pollute our ground water. Breath it or drink it I guess. And dont be like Slowp and think your electricity is clean because you live near a hydroelectric power plant. Chances are, you only receive a fraction of your electric power from that facility. I have worked in pump storage facilities where they use hydro power to produce power during times of heavy loads and then used nuclear power to reverse the turbines to pump water back into the storage ponds, consuming more power than they produced. Hydro power lakes are now having to pump Oxygen into their water because those large bodies of water loose oxygen because of restricted flow. Water becoming anaerobic, causeing fish to die and creating a perfect environment for harmful bacterial growth. Since most cities get their water from lakes and rivers, it should be easy to see how that effects your neighbors health. Ever heard of anybody jumping into a lake and getting infected with some flesh eating disease? I guess if you cant see the problems you are responsible for, its easy to point a finger at someone that is doing something you dont like.
or like the owwners of a lot of hog facilities in iowa,, dont live next to them...................turkey places either.....amazing how that works............The flies are horrid when they spread the fields around here, like a science fiction movie. Lasts about two weeks. Boss doesn't care, but I notice he never has them spread around his house....