The neighbors are burning railroad ties

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All of Georgia.

Don't move here.

There is karma in the fact that those most exposed to the toxins created by burning household garbage are themselves and those in their immediate area.
which proves,,you and slowp are in the same bag....why would I want to move,,where someone is soooo paranoid,,they bury firearms and ammo in their yard,,is case someone threatens their widdle fweerrrrrrrs...good thing, most people in Georgia,,aint of your communist mindset.....most of those people,,are true southern rednecks,,and would vehemently disagree with your warped, report, report, report.....
What else are you putting in the burn barrel to get complete combustion? When you look at all of the plastics in common garbage not to mention veggie scraps and meat bones...
Veggie scraps and meat bones do not go in the burn barrel... "food" sort'a things get tossed in the wood lot, the local wild life cleans it up, usually over night.
The only thing that goes in the burn barrel is non-food combustibles... that pad under chicken is loaded with chicken fat, it burns quite hot and complete. Styrofoam and plastics (such as milk jugs) burn real hot compared to paper products, and as long as the fire gets air there ain't much for smoke at all... just flames out the top of the barrel. The only thing I empty from the barrel once a year is ash... it gets buried, just like at the land fill, it's just ash.
Glass and metal (what little we have) get's packed into work once every couple weeks or so... tossed in the dumpster (I used to bury it, but stopped doing that a few years ago).

Yes, I know Del_, Georgia has outlawed "open" burning of household trash... you've already posted that.
However... what is "open" burning in Georgia?? Well much like Minnesota...
"Open burning, as defined in Georgia’s Rules for Air Quality (391-3-1-.01(tt)), is any outdoor fire from which the products of combustion are emitted directly into the outdoor air without passing through a stack, chimney, or duct."
So, Georgia's rule on the "open" burning of trash would not apply to the burning of RR ties in an OWB (or even burning trash in an OWB)... would it??
Not that there ain't some other rule(?)... but this one don't apply.
All of Georgia.

Don't move here.

There is karma in the fact that those most exposed to the toxins created by burning household garbage are themselves and those in their immediate area.
you the same as got called out by spidey,,as being a,report,report,report...
View attachment 481218

View attachment 481219

Air Pollutants

Smoke from burn barrels contains hazardous
pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide,
lead, mercury, and hexachlorobenzene. These
pollutants can have immediate and long
term health effects such as:

• Asthma, emphysema, or other respiratory

Nervous system, kidney, or liver damage.

Reproductive or developmental disorders.

Not only are the people who burn trash exposed to
these pollutants, but so are their families and neigh-
bors. Children, the elderly, and those with pre-
existing respiratory conditions can be especially vul-


The ash residue from backyard burning can contain
toxic pollutants, such as mercury, lead, chromium,
and arsenic, which can contaminate vegetables if scat-
tered in gardens. Children can accidentally swallow
toxic materials from dirt on their hands while playing
near discarded ash
pick and choose,,pick and,report,report,report...ash residue.....CAN!! contain things,,,dont say that its does,does it???? you left swinging clowns take the cake...
it tears me up,,when illogical twits,,spew all their garbage,,and dont want the FACTS..............................just their feel good emotions,,not what the law really reads.....youll can bitch all you want,,but one thing about it...spidey knows how to look up what the law REALLY says,,and their goes your brain dead opinion..worth nothing...
QUOTE="olympyk_999, post: 5733212, member: 136553"]thank you...I take my position here very seriously!

how many pm's..between you and your nemesis del daily??? bet you both near overload their servers.....
falsification of truth...demeaning everyone that doesn't fit YOUR standard of sure,,you believe yourself,,to be the only administrator of truth.....another lie..your truth,,is based on mans worship fairies and gnomes,,after del taught you how??? also, you've been blowing your mouth on another site,,how you are trolling...
Nope... not good enough.
What I was asking about was your comment, "...burning ties is illegal in most places" in post #568.
I asked, "What leads you to believe that??"
So I'll rephrase the question, how does your county ordinance lead you to believe it's illegal in most places??


What leads you to believe that it is permitted in "most" places? Typical troll by you, pick on one word in a post and beat it death.

Harry K

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