The Newbs version of "Whadja do today?"

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Hey tramp. How tall was that sum ******

I had a brand new 3/8x100' pass rope on. It's the white coil on back of my saddle. In the pic of me at the top of the tree I'm tying a running bowline in chocking the top for pulling. I tied a tight eye bowline in the free end and sent it down with a biner clipped in to give it a little weight. It didn't quite make it to the level of the stump where I fell the stob which was 3' above the ground. The h.o. had to tie on another line so he would be out of the drop zone.
I came down the tree 5' or so and topped it.I figure I topped it at 95' .tree was pushing 120' tall.

It was wiggly enough after the top was out that I had to pay attention to where I put my spur when I steped down.
If I haven't said it before, I will now. I really like the 3/4" Yale Maxi Flip line I got from WesSpur! !! Its nice to hang onto. I also have a 5/8" Climb Right. It is nice for the smaller trees.
The Weaver Cougar has been very comfortable and I really like the gear attachment points. To be honest I only have a couple hours in it hanging from the bridge and my weight makes it creak like a horses saddle. But it fits so I'm very happy with it.
What I did yesterday!


This is the tree that I got underbid on by $1300.00. Those chicken chits backed out @ the last minute so I stepped up! It didn't go as smooth as I would have liked, but its only my second crane job so bare with me (jeff).. lol
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hey man when you do your snap cut the first cut you make needs to be on the side where you want the limb to go. cut that side second it pinches your bar, as im sure youve learned. make sure your cuts pass one another and leave at least an inch in between cuts to hold it there till either you or the crane in this situation snaps it off. glad you gotter done and everyone is alive!
At least you got it done. You should work on proper hand signal's. Some of those pick's would have been better with 'legs'. A few scary pick's. Kudo's for posting! Hang in there, :smile2:

Thanks Jeff, legged one pick and the rest were single.. the big piece I cut in the center of the trunk was pretty fu@%*n scary.. it was the biggest I have taken so far.. I thought I cut all the way thru but apparently o hadn't... It was under a lot of tension when it finally gave as u could see... That pissed me off the most..... But the customer was thrilled to have the tree down and not have to worry about part of it coming down on his roof.......I also had quite the audience. It's a mostly retired neighborhood and right next to a highschool.
I need to get back into the habit of doing videos and pictures.... Anyway, today I blocked down a big Jeffrey pine. Branches were okay to drop but the trunk all had to be blocked. There were stairs on one side, a shed on the other, and a stream bed at the bottom of the hill that I wasn't too keen on rolling rounds into, only to have to drag them back out.

Tweaked my saddle a bit and it's made all the difference. I thought it was comfy before but I tied up a new bridge and put shorter risers on the legs, excellent fit.
Now I'm going out of town but I have another effing blue spruce removal waiting for me when I get back next week. Damn I hate blue spruce... I have several cottonwood removals pending as well. Another tree I hate. Money is money though.
Looks good CC. ! Only 2 critiques I have.
1, hand signals! 1a, if you use hand signals wear gloves that are easy to see.
2 . Always! Cut the compression side first. Just like facing a tree.

Seems like the one you did that on lifted off the cut real well. Giving it a couple 4 inch of stump shot helps but u must cut it so the cuts pass each other by a bit so nothing splits.

Looks great tho! !!!!!
Bids Today

Went and did bids today, had an inside tip on a tree that the city is needing removed. Tree is about 14dbh and maybe 25 ft tall post oak about 4ft from street. My inside source told me that the first company bid 2200.00 second bid 1500.00 Wtf:msp_thumbdn: It is literally a drop-n-chop. I can finish it with one ground man in 2 hrs..that's me climbing and piecing it just for the hell of it...I bid 800.00 and got the job. I couldn't look the guy in the face and charge him more than that... I know it could lead to bigger and better things so I feel I did the right thing.. next bid was another dead oak that is directly over a nice peaceful serene garden,fence,statues.etc...the customer only wants the top half and everything in the fenceline stays... Everything has to be rigged and hauled out about 20 ft to the landing zone... I bid that one at 1800.00. Not hard just tedious... I got the city job about an hour after I quoted it. The other 3 are MORE dead maples! Freakin maples have paid my mortgage thru the summer...:msp_thumbsup:...looks like next couple weeks are going to be alright..
Looks good CC. ! Only 2 critiques I have.
1, hand signals! 1a, if you use hand signals wear gloves that are easy to see.
2 . Always! Cut the compression side first. Just like facing a tree.

Seems like the one you did that on lifted off the cut real well. Giving it a couple 4 inch of stump shot helps but u must cut it so the cuts pass each other by a bit so nothing splits.

Looks great tho! !!!!!

Thanks TB....
pics of Friday's work in Valdez

Hopefully anyway
.they had a northerly blow in and it pulled the roots on this cottonwood on the r.o.w.


. Some not too good pics of my set up.

I cobbled together a sweet rack for my power pruner and brush cutter out of pieces of a bike rack, I schlepped logs and brush all over the place, climbed, topped, and chunked down a 50' poplar. I drove ~5K worth of ski/bike trails I help maintain looking for obstructions and potential obstructions. I put my sweaty gloves & helmet in my wood boiler room to dry out....The weather has been pretty epic the past couple of weeks. Tomorrow I will.....oh, sorry wrong thread for what's on tap for tomorrow......:dizzy:
New saw holder log

Got a new log to hold my saws in, I have a old cottonwood log that I turned into a saw holder, but its kinda chitty so I cut a 4ft x 18" diameter oak log.... I plunged my saws directly into it to hold them in it.. pics this weekend once I finish it.. also going to mount a vice on top of it.
We had some wind this week. This one blew down 2 poles down from where I was working.
. Sorry if its sideways.
Well photo bucket is really messing with me.
I need to find a new image hosting site. Any sugestions? ?

I split firewood today. By the way. Did 7 bucket loads.