I question the wisdom in making white ox gloves in "one size fits all" Takes me half a day to stretch em out to where they are almost comfortable.Look at them meaty paws!!
Jubus, you could probably crush a calfs skull!
I question the wisdom in making white ox gloves in "one size fits all" Takes me half a day to stretch em out to where they are almost comfortable.Look at them meaty paws!!
Jubus, you could probably crush a calfs skull!
LOL I have had a 648d on one front tire before. It's an eerie feeling.Its hard to get perspective through video... but yeah its steep... I have trouble going up parts of it unloaded, and about 1/3 of it has 15 deg of side slope... with no where to run to.
Theres a spot where you can see a power pole, and a log as a guard rail sort of... thats where I damned near lost it the other day... mudd, uphill, side slopping... not good...
Is that chips or sawdust? And blue sky? Don't worry I'm not moving there, even if it is nice country.
i might one day............................................Is that chips or sawdust? And blue sky? Don't worry I'm not moving there, even if it is nice country.
Don't bother the mosquito's will carry you off in the night, the calliphonrians will try to make you vegan, growing webbed feet is a very painful process, and the moss itches.
Serious question... no trollin'... honest.seriously though the moss really itches...
OhIf you sit still long enough, it grows on your back...