The "Not So Pro" discussion thread...of course Pros are welcome!

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And with that... I rest my case...
I have to stand by my post.

I would say that more than half of my posts have very little value, except as conversation, so I include myself in that category. I do feel myself qualified to post in the "What to do when you get hurt in the Woods" thread, as that has been my profession for quite a while. As a part owner of several thousand acres of managed forest, I suspect I do have some vested interest in this forum, and as a long term firewood burner, some interest in that forum. Chainsaw, just a user/abuser, and you never know when you may find a good deal in the Tradin' Post.

As for the rest of this site, I suspect I have little to no need to traipse around there. As I suspect the great majority of other members. If you inferred anything else from my comment, then you are reading far too much inflection into my yammering.
Yeah... regulations suck.
I person should be able to fish without half'n to following any.


It's your sweet disposition that draws 'em.

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Community Watch and HOA dues are $4,800.00 per year.

Due up front, no refunds. Make the check out to me, I'll see it gets where it needs to go.
Dammit. We never got a chance to talk last year. Going to the show at Buckley?
I been meanin to get to a PNW gtg, but it looks like it may be a couple more years fore I can make that happen..
Why don't you come down this way for one Bob..
Being "semi retired and all"..
We might get Mike to KY this year...
Dammit. We never got a chance to talk last year. Going to the show at Buckley?

Things happened... its ok, perhaps there will be something closer or on a different weekend?

Never made it down to the buckley show... some of the same faces end up at Demming... Keep driving through when the museum is closed too... I'm about smack in the middle of both of em, There is a Sultan show every year too, 14 miles away and I've never been.

Might have to put Buckley on the calender this year.

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