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Fuggin autocorrect! It was spose to be "baseline"Vaseline huh? Lol
Fuggin autocorrect! It was spose to be "baseline"Vaseline huh? Lol
So looks like 9 confirmed so far. Plus I've got a few local guys that want to come that I'm trying to lock down an answer from.
*Paragon Builder (me)
*Mels & Bruce B
*Mattyo +1 (Dr. Matt and Dr. Karl)
*Drf255 and friend (Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde)
Yup, gotta watch it...Fuggin autocorrect! It was spose to be "baseline"
Thanks for the offer. I don't really have the experience or the expertise to conduct the change.Took me a couple hours last one I did. I'm sure I won't have time but I'll walk you through it and help where needed if you want to do it. It's worth it!
I have a 353 I need to get numbers on. It's already apart. I need to get timing numbers for a baseline before I cut the case and turn the cylinder base down some. But I need a piston stop to set my TDC and to print out my degree wheel and mount it on something suitable that I can attach it to the flywheel. If you could help me get the Vaseline timing numbers I'd appreciate it.
Derf, u rolling with me?
I can get numbers for the 353...or 372 or 394 any of those type husky prob
I'll bring tools
Thanks. Pics of the tools?
Being it looks like we will be under 15 guys, we should start a group PM for what saws people are bringing for sale and asking prices.
If you're bringing a saw to run and it may be for sale, that's a different animal.