*Paragon Builder
*Mels & Wife Cindy
Bruce B
*Mattyo +1 (Dr. Matt and Dr. Karl)
*Drf255 and friend (Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde)
Things are looking pretty cool, dig how y'all are bringing stuff to check out.
"Burgers dogs and..." sounds good so far. And who doesn't like a good macaroni salad? Cindy will be pumping out some pancakes and maybe waffles for the morning. She had planned on putting together a big ol pot of chili too, but by last-minute request we're heading to Salem the following day to help out at a fundraiser for a young lady with brain cancer, and me Bride thought the chili might be better utilized there at 5 bucks a bowl or something, I don't know.
If anyone is around on Sunday, head on over to "Hair Power" at 20 Hartford Road in Salem CT. Band, food, roller derby girls, get your hair cut, raise money for this gal, you know the drill.
Looking forward to seeing everyone, and don't sweat the badges, Dan and I are finishing up a branding iron that says the same "hello my name is ___ " message so that with a grease pencil should just about do it!