never ending vids, AWESOME!!!!! can listen to that music all day! Thanks for the vids Malk!
i'll try to post my vid eventually, i'll splice the little vid i took together and it'll be on the tube.
Doc Al, great to meet you.... you have some sweet saws that have a LOT of time and $$ invested... Derf, wish we had more time man, I'm sure we'd solve all everyone's chainsaw troubles! WCOREY, great meeting you! ...what saws and knowledge! RICHEVY, great meeting you you are gonna need some ported saws

BOOZER, wish we could have hung out a bit more Ray, hope that filing is improved! we are learning together! Mels, what a collection! super nice guy and super nice wife!! Dan, what a place you got! ideal spot, ideal equipment! Malk, the vids man, and the first to start a saw this AM.... EAGER is not a strong enough word! FORGIVE me if forgot anyone, was an awesome day.
Next year there were a few suggestions mentioned. #1, campout/sleepover #2, agenda. #3, racing? informal of course ...
bucking up the firewood seems appropriate to end the day, and RICHEVY had it right w/ the splitting.... we should have stayed and done that too.