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I couldn't watch the whole video.
You need to read the round better, especially with a lower powered splitter.
Look at the grain of the piece you are trying to split and split with the grain and not across it. You will never split it against the grain. On pieces like that with a branch out of it always try to split it from the easy end to the hard )knot or branch) end. It will split easier. A crotch will split in half easy if you stand the Y on it's edge and split it. If you look at the grain you will see it curves around the branch, your splitter will not split in a curve so split it the opposite way.
On big rounds like that split around the outside edge keeping the grain in mind.
I read your splitter build as you did it, you know what you are doing. I might have done a few things different though. I think I would have made a stand alone splitter to save some trailer space for more wood. I used to buy and sell that type of mower and always had big plans for them but never built anything. I have a 3 wheel drive sand rake that I've had sitting for 4 years now that I was planning to build a self propelled splitter with. Got tired of waiting and bought a Speeco 25 ton and was splitting that day. Sometimes the better mouse trap is already built.
Cantoo, thanks for your reply. I honestly have only had about 15 minutes experience with a splitter before using mine. So I'm really really new to using a hydraulic splitter. I appreciate all the pointers and definitely very much so in the learning stage!
Thanks for the kind words about the splitter. For what I have in this I could buy a low end store bought splitter but that's no fun for me. Built not bought is my motto through and through. But you're right. As I was sorting through the weak points in mine I said to myself, man I could've just bought one and been done with it... But after using it without breaking anything, after finally getting the weak links worked out, well, no store bought machine will give that level of satisfaction.

You might remember me from lawnsite.. I went by bushhogboy then later switched it to frankenscagmachines, me and Mike were always going at it lol
Everyone knows a rick is .76543 of one cord it's almost as much wood as a Richard , which is way more wood
Well holy crap. We've known each other for years man. I shoulda known when you started out with a lawn mower. I never get over to Lawn site much anymore but I remember some of your builds from there. I still have my Walker but we have a couple of Bobcats now too and a Steiner. My wife still does the lawn business and I still work in the Modular Home business. Now I build toys for my firewood cutting hobby.
How old were you when you joined Lawn Site, I'm thinking 15 or something? Now I feel real old.
Well holy crap. We've known each other for years man. I shoulda known when you started out with a lawn mower. I never get over to Lawn site much anymore but I remember some of your builds from there. I still have my Walker but we have a couple of Bobcats now too and a Steiner. My wife still does the lawn business and I still work in the Modular Home business. Now I build toys for my firewood cutting hobby.
How old were you when you joined Lawn Site, I'm thinking 15 or something? Now I feel real old.
Lol yup we go waaaay back buddy! Yea I was like 15 and young and a little cocky. I'll be 28 in may, have two kids and work in a factory now. Haven't been on lawnsite in forever. My fab work has improved since those days though lol. I gave $160 for the Jake and drove it on the trailer, unloaded it and mowed with it. 72" rear discharge deck. Bought it a half mile from my house. It's gotten a new battery, cables, alternator and voltage regulator and glow plugs, hydraulic hose and needs a starter, the solenoid needs bumped usually. I think it could use some rings too. The Jake is rougher than a night in jail looks like it's been rolled a few times and bounced off of every pole and tree around but engine is clean and the machine is strong. I stole it lol. Deck needs rebuilt but I may be able to milk another season out of it.