THE second official firewood burners whiners thread

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ArboristSite Guru
Jul 27, 2007
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new york
Well, since I am stuck inside and the wife duly reported this crudy morning that the ground conditions are ankle deep mud down at my fire wood junkyard I figured today would be just as good as any other day to restart the
Official Firewood Burners #####ers and Whiners thread.

So I am still waiting for Obama to send the golden letter revoking my Social Security, I ran out of beer weeks ago UGHH!!, and I have no ambition to purchase any grog let alone cheap grog, My wood truck needs $400.00 of work at a dealership three hours away and I dont have the funds yet, I dont have the snow tires pulled off the old wood mule and put on the new truck, The snow chains are buried in the garage, the garage is not empty enough to park the tractor and snow blower, Its one of those days when a six pack of Heineken, a pack of Benson and Hedges and a well done T bone with mushrooms and onions would fit nicely, My allergist took blood yesterday figuring he was still going to stick me with anti venom shots and milk Medicare into the foreseable future for $1750.00 per month as the 400 anti venom shots over the last seven years have only given me lifetime immunity against honey bee stings and given me more medical woes, I am in the doughnut hole in more ways than one, my Social Security C.O.L.A., was a help, YA THINK!!!!, My Stihl 250C keeps threatening to sneak out at night to wake up the Homelite 250, steal all the beer out of the Timberwolfs Man cave fridge and cut down all the pines and willow trees for something to do as I have not been able to work safely in the rain and mud, I hate cleaning mud out of the lug soles of my Red Wing work boots and my Lacrosse winter boots, I hate pulling the felt liners out of my Lacrosse Boots as they are a ****** to reinstall, I dont have enough bagged sand for the driveway and paths for the winter,I still have to finish installing my hold down D rings and Anchor plates in the dump trailer, I had to buy plate steel using 6 by 6 by 1/4 plates to mount the D rings to as the dump body floor channel iron or sidewalls are to thin to mount them directly, thank you very much MAXUM, I have to clear up all the empty Schlitz beer cans and greasy Pizza boxes from around the Timberwolfs cave to be able to safely work when the time comes HA!, if it ever dries enough, I have to break the Timberwolf of using the log lift with compressed air to launch the empty beer cans on to my tin roof while its burning a bonfire in the back yard stinking up the neighborhood with green wood,
my new pipe wood racks from TSC are not even straight and level, my two wheel wheel barrow is due for a dual flat tire episode even with the slime, the old wheel horse is about to die as the Peerless transmission did not sound at all healthy the other day while I was letting it warm up, The John Deere complained like it was getting a colonoscopy without a mild sedative while working the other day, The mail has just arrived with my qouta of junk mail, The bagged coal I have stored out back is escaping from the cheap polyester bags it is stored in even though I have it under a tarp!!, I have one one of firewood to bring down yet to dump off for the next year, the dump trailer is in the way of moving the load of topsoil to make room for the next 30 cords, I have to move the loading ramp for the trailer where I can get to it later without getting stuck, I still have to remove the mower deck, mount the plow, chains and wheel wieghts on the wheel horse, I have to remove the lawn mower deck from the John Deere and install the snow blower rear suit case weights and weight frame, I have fire up the Snow Pups to be sure that they are ready for the winter, I am looking forward to a monster kerosene budget payment from Suburban Propane or Shoud f I say Suburban PROFANE!!!!!!!!, which is much more appropriate, I look forward to Suburban Propane telling me I need another oil burner when they told me the first Reillo Burner I bought thirty years ago was outdated and parts were unavailable, Pinochios nose grew 30 feet when that happened the first time and another 60 feet when I was told that the second burner was defective and parts were no longer available, and I look forward changing suppliers when I have the money to install a powered exhaust stack for my oil burner to remove it from my 16 foot chimney as it is no longer legal to have a wood burning appliance sharing a chimney with a fossil fuel burning appliance per the national plumbing code, I still shake my head thinking about this when I could have changed the stack with and exhauster when I was still employed IF THEY(SUBURBAN PROFANE) HAD SIMPLY TOLD ME I was out of compliance with the Plumbing Code or if my idiot insurer had sent me a notice regarding my wood burner which they have known about since 1982 and yet my problems are minor compared to other folks so I should be happy.:msp_rolleyes:
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them sneaky deer out foxxed me again yesterday mornin' so i spent the afternoon workin' up a monster load of hackberry..drank too many Belgian Ale's splittin' and stackin' said hackberry,,got a mandatory meeting at the work house today so the company thieves can tell us what a crumby job we're doin' and how broke the hospital is...and i'd swear a dragon dropped a turd on my tongue as i slept last nite.....on the i need another cup of coffee..
My kid lit my lawn tractor on fire two days ago.

He was mowing leaves, and had been 'pushing' a small pile in front of the mower for several yards, when the deck belt must have friction-lit some of the leaves on fire. Not knowing what else to do, he stopped, shut it off, and ran for the hose while the fire spread. I was a block away and the wife called on the cell. I ran over and pulled the mower back and out of the way. Engine was pretty warm, a bit of the cover was melted and warped, and some paint was burned off, but no damage to anything that I could see. Even the belt was still fine.
I spent three hours in the ER last night. Because of a friggin dog.

I got a new Lab puppy, and while cute, she is worthless.You know the drill. After spending almost as much as the national deficit, I finished my house this summer, including repainting the living room for the 73rd time because the wife didnt like the color. It still looks "white" to me. Now I have six holes and counting because this dogs favorite hobby is pulverizing sheet rock. The last hole was so big I almost managed to shove the mother in law in there and mud the cracks in before she woke up.

The varmint loves to dig, and her favorite place is right outside the entry door for my shop. I have gotten used to stepping out the door and making a leap over the hole, stopping to fill it in, and going about my merry way, but yesterday I just flat out forgot.

Stepping out the door, I dropped in the hole, staggered a second, then fell over the edge of the rock wall down to the car port, cracking my head open on the edge of the steel supports.
I did a fine job of stitching it up myself, although I highly recommend you avoid my house while I am in the process unless you are not easily offended.

Sadly, my wife didnt think much of my stitch job. While at dinner, a wee bit of blood managed to work its way down my forehead, and I was left with no choice to explain what happened. One look at my head, she insisted on a trip to the ER. And if that wasnt bad enough, some drunk chic passed by our table and knocked my rootbeer into my lap.

Right about now I am tempted to lie my ass off and say the doc was impressed with my stitches, but she wasnt. She reminded me that stitches have to be clean, and you really should avoid stitching hair into your head,a thought that never crossed my mind as I leaned over the bathroom sink and tried to sew the wound myself. But I assured her that I did my best under the circumstances,and consider myself a master at self stitching and offered her the opportunity to view some of my other handiwork, but as I started to pull my britches down she declined. She did ask about my wet pants, and I told her I just get excited about visiting the ER and accidents happen. I guess she didnt have much of a sense of humor, all she did was roll her eyes and walk out, muttering something about a "psych consult" or something. What ever the heck that is.

Nine stitches later we were out of there, and my wife thanked me once again for another stirring and romantic Wednesday night date night, a habit we have been in for almost a year now.
Remind me someday to rewrite this story and ad some humor to it, right now I aint doing much laughing. I guess that digging noise right outside the shop door is distracting me.
Maybe you should assign your woodpile watchman to door duty, it might get ugly, but it would be over.:yoyo: Knowing how well those two get along the watchman might bring Guido and Luigi to help the pup 'get the message':msp_ohmy:

No whine


We don need no stinkin' whine. Not like the ditzy boys and girls over at Forestry and Logging: drooling about those silly "homeowners", or GOL, or , or...."boring", or A.B.H. (anything but humboldt ). Just say "no" to whining.

Hey, I love, love :heart: harvesting in my woodlands: firewood to heat the house ( 99.44% wood heated ), the shop, the hot tub, some neighbors; $$$$ from pulp and sawlogs for drink; and....the exceptional warmth and romance of the 2 stoves. What now: time to begin cutting for next winter's heat...when the ground freezes hard.

So, whine away. OCD referrals on PM.:taped:
acceptance is the answer to all my problems. when i find some person place or thing or situation unacceptable, my day is sh*t until i accept it as being exactly the way its sposed to be. when i stop living in the problem and start living in the solution the problem goes away. imagine that!! then i can see i've never had it so good!

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