The truth about oils

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bwalker- can you point this guy to the thread we had the other day? maybe it will help him. I don't know how to do that stuff yet.
bwalker said:
I say the guy was a total and complete idiot! he didnt happen to work for Amsoil did he?

" 2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive."

I agree that there are many technical flaws in the explanation of oils in the original post. I am sure it was not done out of malice, so I think your response was a bit overdone for an opening salvo perhaps, No?
Your sever dislike for redline is relly starting to make me think. I will do some more test with this stuff. I have never had a problem, but will take anyones input to help avoid one. how long ago did you have the problem with the redline? I do remember some racers saying they had a problem about 7-8 yrs ago, but they were running some funky gas, so I just figured the gas was the problem.
The problem with redline 2 stroke racing oil and it lack of a corrosion inhibitors is well known among many older dirt bike rider's. Especially ones that live in high humidity areas. I have seen the very dark colored brass jets, rust on crank halfs, and pitted bearings 1st hand on 2 bikes that have run redline 2 stroke racing oil. Don't know if they ever changed the formula as this was years ago.
The last time I used Redline was 2001. I still have some Keihn main jets that are corroded black somewhere. I'll see if I can dig them out and post a pic. BTW even more alarming to me than the corrosion was the fact that I noticed increased ring wear on the exhaust side. Switch back to Mobil and the problem vanished. I have never seen issues like these with any other oil.
Frank, No, I dont think I was too harsh...The guy feeding Pioneer this stuff is a complete idiot.
Wrong, yes; but how you phrase it makes a big difference in whether you convey the idea of whether YOU wish to be offensive or not. That is what I disagree with. The word "Idiot" is MEANT to be offensive. Whatever!
Koa Man said:
Now I'm getting really confused. I don't care how oils are made or what they are made of. My only concern is using a high quality product that will protect my equipment. That being said, should I just continue to buy Echo PowerBlend at $27 a gal., or try to find Citgo at around $7 a gal. and is Citgo really the same as Echo's? Should I pay a visit to the local Redline store for their stuff and is Redline's oil much cheaper? I would like to save money buying oil, but I also don't mind spending money for a quality product.
The Echo PowerBlend is a very good oil you will do no wrong by using it. I know that it looks nearly the same as Citgo oil on MSDS but they don't tell you every thing. For example Echo PowerBlend contains a fuel stabilizer, that is a very good idea in chainsaws. I cannot find anything about a fuel stabilizer in the Citgo labeled oil on this.
I gotta agree with premix about the castor bean stuff, it is really gummy and not to be used in commercial application.
I think any 2 cycle mix that is readily available is good as long as it's mixed at the proper ratio, i.e., 40:1 or thicker depending on the application. I stay away from synthetics because of how gooey it is. It sticks to everything within 4 ft' of the operator.
Most of my observations are a result of what I have learned and/or tried from arboristsite. For 15 yrs. straight I used 50:1 and didn't know why, however I was probably running on the rich side because I had only 2 or 3 lean seizures that I can atribute to a lean mix and/or setting in that time. Now I run 32:1 Woodtick Brand oil with the saw set to factory rpm or slightly higher with no problemo.
Crofter said:
" 2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive."

I agree that there are many technical flaws in the explanation of oils in the original post. I am sure it was not done out of malice, so I think your response was a bit overdone for an opening salvo perhaps, No?

That's definition #2 in your dictionary. Did any of the other definitions include "a silly or foolish person"? Mine does. Are you just assuming the worst of Ben?
Why leave room for interpretation especially when that possibilty is so obvious. Why open with such strong language? No I don't think I made a false assumption of which meaning Ben intended. That was not necessary language and it was jumping on Pioneer. Find fault with the message, but dont attack the person.
Ben, you leave Father Frank alone!

Frank, if I thought I'd have half a chance of finding it any time yet today, I'd love to find (so I could quote) a photocopy I have from an article on INDIANA from an encyclopedia published in the 1800's.  It listed the breakdown in population in various categories, the smallest and last being a few percent "Idiotic".  I didn't get the impression it was a derogatory term, but merely meant simple or uneducated.

Sure it should be discussed on the off topic. You guys that are in favour of jumping all over people should start a thread promoting your position. Lets have a poll even. Course a lot of the finest champions of the cause are without voting rights.
A$$holes are like opinions, everybody has one! Well, you know what I mean. Frank's point is well taken. How would YOU like to be singled out and ridiculed. The term is abusive. Maybe you are in the habit of be abusive or maybe you just don't care. It is considered flaming. So, you're an expert at oils. I am impressed with your knowledge, just not with your computerside manners.
If I where the one who made those comments to Pioneer I would deserve a little ridicule. I have been slammed for making false statements on this board before and I delt with it by admitting I was wrong. No harm besides a little hurt to the pride, which tends to be a good thing once and awhile.
Once again, the only one slammed was the moron who made the bogus statements.
And I am no expert on oils, but I have taken the time to educate myself a bit. More than I can say for this so called "expert" that fed Pioneer a line of crap.
bwalker said:
If I where the one who made those comments to Pioneer I would deserve a little ridicule. I have been slammed for making false statements on this board before and I delt with it by admitting I was wrong. No harm besides a little hurt to the pride, which tends to be a good thing once and awhile.
Once again, the only one slammed was the moron who made the bogus statements.
And I am no expert on oils, but I have taken the time to educate myself a bit. More than I can say for this so called "expert" that fed Pioneer a line of crap.

forget about them. if they can't take a little ribbing then too bad. If I am wrong on something I hope someone calls me an idiot or something to get my attention about it before I really do something bad. (like give someone false info on a forum that may cause problems)
ben- I just got a crank for one of my 125cc guys back in for a rebuild. I noticed that the bottom end of the rod had a funny color to it. assum it is from th redline oil, so I called him and told them to fog their motors for storage. having a hard time telling them to switch though, seeing as the crank has 4 years on it and it looks as good as new. check out the website for the team at check out the list of races they have run with my cranks and engines. not one lubrication failure!