I dont know squat about doing this sort of thing such as raffles, tickets and keeping track,,,,,, but I do know Tlandrum had his hands full with trying to work for a living and keep up with the Back pack build off,,, I am open to suggestions and was putting it out there to see if it would draw interest,, I will get with Steve @ Cutting Scotts Place or Spike 60 and see if they will throw in a 28" B&C at a decent price,, And we will sort out the particulars as the week progresses and announce prices and how to manage the funds PM me or work saw collector if you have any Ideas,,, I feel it would be a conflict of interest if Myself, E Copsey, or Stumpy bought tickets so I feel it is only fair that we exclude ourselves,,,
I want to personnaly and publically thank Keven AKA Smitty, And E Copsey,Thanks Guys!!!!!!
as their generosity is off the chart,,,, and that really is what inspired me to do this,,, I have been flooded three times in my life and lost most everything including a house,,, So I know what Stumpy is going through,,,
Peace Out!!!!!!
I will donate a new 28" Powermatch Bar and a loop of LGX for this saw. PM me Eric.