I'd love to see some pics and get some ideas.QUOTE]
I purchased a front trailer hitch for my truck. It hides under the front spoiler. Had to cut a small square hole in the spoiler for the receiver tube to stick out of (just under the front license plate). It was designed specifically for my model truck. Bolted on in 15 minutes. Cost a little under $200. If your handy could be done alot cheaper. My buddy that does my welding was away and I needed it in a hurry. I just added the price to the job.
The reveiver tube on the skid steer; I purchased a mounting plate off ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/MINI-SKIDSTEER-...887?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45f7decf7f), paid $80 for it and then had by buddy weld on a reciever tube.
Sorry boys, I just can't see the point##
Not saying it doesn't exist, it's just that I've never seen a location that I couldn't back into## Providing, of course, that it was possible to go in front first, too##
I have always operated my vehicles with this philosophy: If you can't back it in, then you darn sure better not drive in forwards## I've never been stuck in a spot that I was able to back in to, but I have seen situations that were impossible to back out of##
I'd love to see some pics and get some ideas.QUOTE]
I purchased a front trailer hitch for my truck. It hides under the front spoiler. Had to cut a small square hole in the spoiler for the receiver tube to stick out of (just under the front license plate). It was designed specifically for my model truck. Bolted on in 15 minutes. Cost a little under $200. If your handy could be done alot cheaper. My buddy that does my welding was away and I needed it in a hurry. I just added the price to the job.
The reveiver tube on the skid steer; I purchased a mounting plate off ebay (MINI SKIDSTEER MOUNT PLATE SKID STEER TORO DINGO THOMAS - eBay (item 300511317887 end time Jan-14-11 05:45:48 PST)), paid $80 for it and then had by buddy weld on a reciever tube.
Aww.. so cute!
Should change the topic to " what are you using to get your chipper in"... working is the street ( or even close to it) is soooo droll. The Dingo won't handle the 4500 lb chipper on slippery surfaces though it has pulled it up steep dry drives. If you turn to much you only have one tread making power though and that won't work.
I do quite a lot of propertys that have long, narrow, winding driveways with no where to turn around a truck and chipper. Throw a few hills in there and you'll be backing up your chipper for quite some time. I find that by attaching the chipper to the front, it is quite easy to see where i'm "pushing" the chipper. Almost as fast as driving in without anything on the front (almost). Plus I don't need a backup spotter....
I understand all your points, but isn't having the chipper attached to the front of the truck kind of useless when you get there? Don't you have to detach the chipper, then turn your truck around to catch the chips?
Easier backing up: put some snow plow marker poles on both corners of your chipper! Mount them wide enough to see where the chipper is throughout the backing up process.