The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Up and running, feeling like a new man today, sooo much better! Filed up the 395 today, but man that .404 36 in bar has to go. 36's never fit me well.
:clap: glad you're back Norm. I never had a Flu shot. Prolly never will. Haven't had the flu since the plant shut down 3 years ago. I like my outdoor job. :)
What do you usually run on the 395?
I need a 32" for my saw. You do know you're the reason I have a 288 now. :msp_laugh:
Glad you're back "up and running" Norm. :msp_thumbup: Always good to get over feeling like that.
Have a safe weekend, most of all if you get out and cut. :msp_thumbsup:
Time to put wood in the stove, make coffee, and get ready for work.....
Good to see you're better Norm. My parents got a flu shot one year, the shot almost killed the old man, brutal sick right after the shot. 2 weeks of fever and sick. Never again.

Happy Family Day weekend for us hosers up North of the 49, Monday off. Hope y'all have a nice weekend !
Hey guys, been awhile since I been around. Been caught up with all the anti-gun crap going around, and doing some research on one I just bought. Also whole family has been sick for the last week, and let me tell you tree work really becomes work when your sick LOL. Whacked my finger good with the hand saw working while sick. I knew it was going to happen, just didnt care, wanted to finish and get back down on the ground lol. Randy how is the SRT working for you? Me and my boss were talking about it the other day. He was looking at the zig-zag and thinking about getting into it.

Here is my finger after I whacked it. Hand saws sharp lol.


Someday I wish I could conquer the heights. Maybe I would make a good climber I have watched enough good work, have the skill not the nerve. Never know even if I got over the heights does not mean I would be a good climber. Good to see ya friends! Randy I miss my coffee been three days for me, down with a stomach flu. Couldn't hold anything down. Starting to eat today and feel better. Was hoping to cut maybe this weekend. Or at least get out of the house.

Norm, best way I can suggest is to start working really low to the ground. And find a sprawling oak, the more branches to climb the easier, at least for me it is. And the biggest thing is being comfortable with and trusting your gear, I am always nervous for the first few minutes and after a few minutes I have full trust of my gear and dont really think about it anymore. Sounds like you have some good guys that can help with technique and proper gear set up. Good luck, I am still scared of heights, I just have to climb higher now before I get nervous.
it has been a while, really good to hear from you again. Sorry to hear you and the family has been sick, been a lot of that going around. :( I forget what you have for a handsaw, Zubat? Those Silky saws are razor sharp. Did you need stitches? Hope it's not as bad as it looks.
The more I climb with the Hitch Hiker on SRT the more I like it. Winter up here doesn't give many "good" opportunities to climb, but I've had a few and taken advantage of them. Still working on tweaking the HH and the "system" I'm using but I think it's just a matter of using it more and getting used to how it works. To give an example of my progress, the first time I climbed I had to stop after 15-20ft and rest,(didn't have the HH set up right at all) on Thursday(yes Valentine's Day)I did a 50ft climb without stopping(yes I definitely needed to stop and rest), and it only took maybe 2 minutes. I really haven't looked at the Zigzag, can it be used for SRT? Petzl makes good stuff, but it is very pricey(way out of my budget).
I have a co worker that asked me to look at some trees he wants taken down, finally had a chance to go over today and take a look, here's a couple of pics. 5 trees, all dead, the tallest is close to 100ft. Poplar, Red Maple, and one Ash. And to top off the whole package, they're all sitting in the "V" of 2 sets of power lines. What do you think, pretty good challenge huh?!? :hmm3grin2orange: I still have to give a bid, we'll see what happens. I'll keep you up to date.....



:clap: glad you're back Norm. I never had a Flu shot. Prolly never will. Haven't had the flu since the plant shut down 3 years ago. I like my outdoor job. :)
What do you usually run on the 395?
I need a 32" for my saw. You do know you're the reason I have a 288 now. :msp_laugh:
The 395 is new territory for me so I will have to feel it out awhile. I generally use 32-34. On my 372 have a 30 inch Cannon. Funny only 2 inches shorter, but my 34 inch on my 2101 has a good fit and feel. Wish I could afford another Cannon! I think I will try a 32 on it when I can. Glad to hear your 288 love! Glad I was part of that:clap: I absolutely love them one of the best hands down, good to see you my friend. Randy at least I got to have me coffee again, finally today! Now my stomachs better I missed it:msp_w00t: Brian great to see you buddy missed ya man. I hear ya on the gun bs, same here. Hope the fingers better. Yeah tried and have improved the height stuff, minimal improvement over many years LOL!
I have a co worker that asked me to look at some trees he wants taken down, finally had a chance to go over today and take a look, here's a couple of pics. 5 trees, all dead, the tallest is close to 100ft. Poplar, Red Maple, and one Ash. And to top off the whole package, they're all sitting in the "V" of 2 sets of power lines. What do you think, pretty good challenge huh?!? :hmm3grin2orange: I still have to give a bid, we'll see what happens. I'll keep you up to date.....

Why do they always have to be surrounded by wires?!! Seems like that's the only ones we get called out for! "...oh hey, can you come look at this 80' dead gnarly twist cherry on a hill, over a fence and a pool and between high tension wires..."

keeps ya on your toes!

Be carefull on those ones buddy!
So true! Seen some pretty entangled stuff many times myself. Working for county roads, we get some wild stuff across the road too. Tons of trees, some of the most hazards I have seen at times, wires, tension poles.
Almost forgot,
here's a pic looking out my upstairs bathroom skylight. I want to save the tree so it will be "a little bit of work". The tree isn't hanging over the roof, but it is close.


as if being dead wasn't enough, throw in the power lines for extra challenge. Extreme caution will be taken if I get the job. Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Time to put wood in the stove, make coffee, and get ready for work.....:msp_sleep:
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Glad health is back for you guys.

To clear things up the heights don't bother me so much in climbing rather it is the lack of what I would call proper equipment and training as I would like to learn how to ascend in a tree without spikes, but have no one around to train me for that. I wish some of you guys lived around me:bang:

Lineman only seem to know straight up and straight down:laugh:
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I agree Shane different ball of wax. Also agree I think best way have someone around too. I feel real fortunate to have been around some folks I have while growing up, picked up so many things.
Glad heal th is back for you guys.

To clear things up the heights don't bother me so much in climbing rather it is the lack of what I would call proper equipment and training as I would like to learn how to ascend in a tree without spikes, but have no one around to train me for that. I wish some of you guys lived around me:bang:

Lineman only seem to know straight up and straight down:laugh:

Good old hip thrusting will keep you in shape... I don't have any mechanical ascenders(not for lack of wanting them... just never wanted to spend the money) ... The Tree Climber's Companion - is a handy book to have too. I was fortunate to have a few good friends that are climbers.
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Glad health is back for you guys.

To clear things up the heights don't bother me so much in climbing rather it is the lack of what I would call proper equipment and training as I would like to learn how to ascend in a tree without spikes, but have no one around to train me for that. I wish some of you guys lived around me:bang:

Lineman only seem to know straight up and straight down:laugh:

I hear ya Shane, I'm on my own here. I don't know anyone that climbs. I've learned on my own with the Working Climber DVD's, that's where I got some great climbing basics. After that, I guess I just have a passion to learn more about tree work. Seems like a natural progression for me to learn to work safer, and from that I'm getting these new techniques/products/gear online that make tree work easier and safer. I'm lovin' it. :D
Gotta go, they changed me over to 3rd shift for a week, gonna try to sleep before I go to work at 11:00pm..... :msp_sleep:
Have a safe week. :msp_thumbsup:
Randy I know I have really seen huge improvements and learning on your part:clap: Yikes switched your hours?:msp_w00t:

temporary change to 3rd shift, hopefully just one week. :dunno:
The biggest improvements have come from the practical experience. I'm sure you'll agree, there's absolutely nothing that can take the place of "hands on" experience. :msp_thumbsup:
Thanks for the compliments, I really do appreciate it.(as long as I earn 'em ;) )

Norm, here's that pic looking out my upstairs bathroom skylight, the entire leader on the right side is dead.....


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