The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Randy I agree on the cutting of wood with good friends, and agree on those great pics for sure. Always love your vids bro you know that thank u for sharing!
Randy I agree on the cutting of wood with good friends, and agree on those great pics for sure. Always love your vids bro you know that thank u for sharing!

Thanks Norm,
have a safe week, we're getting more snow right now. We're supposed to get a foot(or more! :hmm3grin2orange:)

NHlocal, very nice vid! You look like your at home in the tree's. Nothing like it!!

ayuh, pretty comfortable. Does make me a "little" nervous dropping wood like that close to a house. ;) You're absolutely right, nothing like it! :biggrinbounce2:
Time to get ready for work, put wood in the stove, make some coffee, clean snow off the car.....:msp_scared: :hmm3grin2orange:
I second that Randy, you do always look at home in them trees! Foot a snow yikes!

Thanks Norm,
looks like I'll be cutting on my Church property tomorrow. Got an Oak with a heavy lean. The weather is supposed to be pretty good, mid 40's with sunshine. :clap: I'll try to get some pics and post 'em after. :popcorn:
Time to get ready for work, put wood in the stove, make some coffee.....:msp_sleep:
Have a good weekend.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
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Awesome Randy, and be safe my friend, we get plenty of Oak leaners this way.

Thanks Norm,
I'll try to get some good pics/video(NHlocal Productions right?! :hmm3grin2orange:), the truth is, it really does help me improve. :msp_thumbup: And if someone else can enjoy it or benefit from it then even better. :msp_thumbsup:
Ayuh, be safe for sure! ;)
Have a safe weekend yourself. :msp_smile:
I agree on that all Randy! And as I have said you also my friend make leaps and bounds, and have impressed me greatly, your learning, and increasing skills.
I agree on that all Randy! And as I have said you also my friend make leaps and bounds, and have impressed me greatly, your learning, and increasing skills.

Thanks Norm, I do appreciate that. I really do enjoy the work. I keep finding out the more I learn the more I need to learn, most of all if I want to work safe. :msp_thumbup: I don't think I'll ever know "enough". :dizzy:
Time to get ready for work, stoke up the wood stove, make some coffee.....:msp_sleep:
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
I seem to learn something new quite often, I love to learn of ways to be more productive and most of all safe!!! One rule I made up for myself and tell others that are just starting off is ''Triple check every thing when climbing'' from tying in to making cuts. I like getting a chance to climb with new people as often as I can because I get to pick there brain a bit and see what have to offer. Although I'm self taught, I have gained more knowledge from others. I'm not cocky when it comes to trees, that will only get a person hurt. Its funny, I'm not a religious but when I climb or doing crane work I do ask the man to keep me and my crew safe today!!! I hope I never stop learning!! Well hopefully soon I will have some great pics for you soon. We just bid a job taking down a monster tulip tree and a monster black walnut!!! I'm talking 7' butt logs!! The tulip is around 105' tall!! So far we have the best price in. There's a few other trees going down too. Anyways hope to do the job its going to be a long hard day!!! If you love what you do, you don't work a day in your life......
Ayuh, if you love your work it ain't really work at all. :msp_thumbup:
Worked overtime at the shop 6 to 11am, then came home and did an Oak take down this afternoon. :msp_w00t:
Got a few pics, I'll get the video posted up as soon as I can.....

Stihlnwood, great post my friend, and I totally agree. And your upcoming job sounds awesome. I love big wood! Randy awesome pictures my friend! The first one would be a good magazine or book cover, love the pic.
Hauled a Ranger bed full of oak home from a friend's place yesterday. Hand split and stacked about 1/2 of it............and then busted the handle on my splitting maul. Dammit. Just replaced that handle. That's what happens when I keep working when I'm tired...



Lotta weight for that little pickup...:msp_rolleyes:
Stihlnwood, great post my friend, and I totally agree. And your upcoming job sounds awesome. I love big wood! Randy awesome pictures my friend! The first one would be a good magazine or book cover, love the pic.

Thanks Norm,
big thanks to my wife again! :clap: She stood out in the wind and cold(and it was VERY windy)to take pictures and video. She takes good care of me. :msp_tongue: When I get the video done and posted you'll see what I mean. Not the best conditions to be up in a tree cutting but worked out O.K. Got another pic I think you'll like from yesterday.....


Hauled a Ranger bed full of oak home from a friend's place yesterday. Hand split and stacked about 1/2 of it............and then busted the handle on my splitting maul. Dammit. Just replaced that handle. That's what happens when I keep working when I'm tired...


Lotta weight for that little pickup...:msp_rolleyes:

Nice load of wood you got.....
looks like you "might" be over the load rating on your truck. :hmm3grin2orange:
Looks like you guys still have a decent amount of snow up your way. Nice pics too! I gotta get over my brothers house and take down two oaks for him..But its a family freebee so haven't been in a big course there will be food and beers afterwards...On a good note the snows melting away fast down here..grass is showing and robins are on my lawn...what a beautiful sight!!! Just kicking back this weekend, rebuilding a ms361 I ported for my buddy. It was perfect until it was run over!! He bought all new parts and I'm doing it over..always something...loo
Nice load of wood you got.....
looks like you "might" be over the load rating on your truck. :hmm3grin2orange:

Maybe a scosh over Randy.:D

I did the math afterwards. That oak is still VERY wet. My 'calibrated back' sez that the rounds were about 70-100 pounds apiece..........................and there were 19 of 'em in the bed. At an average of 82 pounds apiece, that's close to 1600 pounds of wood.:dizzy:

I've GOTTA get my diesel up and running again. Not only does it have an 8' bed with a topper (that I've filled almost to the roof with wood a few times), but it has an 8800 pound GVWR. I had over 3K pounds of steel and iron truck parts in that truck when I moved a number of years ago. The tires didn't squat, and the truck sat dead level. Rode like a Lincoln down the highway....:D
Very good load Aaron! Welcome Randy! And good to see u all!

Windy, Red Oak Take Down - YouTube

here's the video of the Oak I took down last Saturday. It was a very windy day for tree work, but I took extra care and got it down with no trouble. :msp_thumbup: It's been a challenging week for me, been working the 3rd shift again, I'm beat. :msp_sleep:
Going to look at some Pines this Saturday, looks like another couple of trees for me to take down! :msp_w00t: :clap:
Hope you're staying "healthy" Norm, gotta keep away from all those cold and flu bugs going around.....;)