Randy with his helmet cam on (techy:msp_wink

Videos are always great. I don't have the patience for it.
I managed to grind out seven stumps today so I'm feeling good about that. Got one backfilled with dirt. I have to clean up two tomorrow if the weather holds out for me and backfill them.
Went over to a guys house to collect a check for some stump work I did for him and a guy across the street I ahve done other work for was out and talked to him and he said once I get some time he had a tree or two to take down at the farm and some stumps to grind
It seems to me just taking a few minutes to people you have done other work for to just say hi goes a long ways and often leads to other work. I like it a lot
I try not to get over anxious on getting work and spendy money I don't already have and in this type of work it often seem feast or famine so I proceed cautiously