The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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I use leg irons and a flip line. I climbed four trees yesterday (spruce) maybe 30' or a little more (topped them) and then one more today and today I was hurting as my legs and arms just aren't used to it. I would like to learn how to descend down though rather than spike down. It would save time and energy it seems. It takes a lot more energy for me going down than up for sure. Not sure why. Technique needs to improve I guess, but I think it has more to do with shear weight which is my own fault:msp_sneaky:

See if I learn to rope descend then I become a flying squirrel :laugh:

remember, when you start using rope to climb/descend you will need a climbing harness/saddle. Something to consider as you're thinking about doing more take downs. :msp_unsure: I will tell you this, do the digging and invest in a good one(if you get one). You'll never regret it, I guarantee it! :D It will open up a whole new world of options as far as what you are able to do for tree work. Of course the immediate benefits will be your ability to descend out of the tree, and be more comfortable doing it. :msp_thumbup: I know it's a big investment but, if you really want the ability to do more tree work it will be one of those "why didn't I do this a long time ago" moments. That's the reason I "stretched" myself financially when I invested in my saddle. I wanted the ability to do more/harder take downs/tree work, I knew that without a good climbing saddle I couldn't. I have zero regrets. Hope that helps. :big_smile:
man I've been gone for a while just work and sleep, work and sleep. Bid a job just to buck up a whole bunch of logs and pile them around property. a 1,500 job i decided to share with two other friends. Between all my five saws trying to keep them sharp and running myself in the ground im taking 2 days off and the next after that I'm going to trim grass for my friend using his zero turn with the beer holder. I also went to check out another huge willow oak in between two houses. they said the best estimate they got was 2,200 . . . I told them I think ill pass. right now maybe later ill get the ants in my pants to do something like that. OH YEEAH!! and I'm getting my old echo 550 EVL back soon.

Cheers guys!:cheers:
Shane big boys like us are not meant to climb I guess LOL! Randy makes it look easy:msp_biggrin: CJtree I agree full day in itself getting five saws ready, that is what I run five of em.
man I've been gone for a while just work and sleep, work and sleep. Bid a job just to buck up a whole bunch of logs and pile them around property. a 1,500 job i decided to share with two other friends. Between all my five saws trying to keep them sharp and running myself in the ground im taking 2 days off and the next after that I'm going to trim grass for my friend using his zero turn with the beer holder. I also went to check out another huge willow oak in between two houses. they said the best estimate they got was 2,200 . . . I told them I think ill pass. right now maybe later ill get the ants in my pants to do something like that. OH YEEAH!! and I'm getting my old echo 550 EVL back soon.

Cheers guys!:cheers:

I hear ya on the work, sleep, work, sleep, been pretty much out straight lately between full time plus O/T at the shop and working the trees on Saturday afternoon. :dizzy: I do enjoy the work though. I'd rather be busy working than busy looking for work. ;)
Sometimes you gotta take a break, hope you're able to get rested up. My break is coming(sooner or later :hmm3grin2orange:)

Shane big boys like us are not meant to climb I guess LOL! Randy makes it look easy:msp_biggrin: CJtree I agree full day in itself getting five saws ready, that is what I run five of em.

if I make it look easy that's a good thing I think, 'cause it sure ain't easy. I must be doing something right if what I'm doing looks easy. :D Cuttin' this afternoon, might not have to climb today, may be able to set a pull rope with my throw line and pull over what I've got coming down.....we'll see. :popcorn:
Gotta get ready for work.....
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Randy little buddy, you do it right for sure, have a good day working gang! Headed out and about run the dogs, maybe go toward coast, and redwood country.
Late one, got in about 1am, no game caught, but good hard running. Lounging around today and much coffee. At least we are back to cutting hard at work again right up my alley:cool2: Aaron we are on bloomfield road now 116 side.
Late one, got in about 1am, no game caught, but good hard running. Lounging around today and much coffee. At least we are back to cutting hard at work again right up my alley:cool2: Aaron we are on bloomfield road now 116 side.

Working? Where are you right now? I may be heading out to gas up (hate doing that before work on Monday) in a few minutes.
Randy little buddy, you do it right for sure, have a good day working gang! Headed out and about run the dogs, maybe go toward coast, and redwood country.

hey thanks, I appreciate that, but only if I "earn" it. :hmm3grin2orange:

Late one, got in about 1am, no game caught, but good hard running. Lounging around today and much coffee. At least we are back to cutting hard at work again right up my alley, Aaron we are on bloomfield road now 116 side.

COFFEE?!? Glad you had a good day out. Rest up and make a FRESH cup of coffee. ;)
I did a job yesterday that was "a bit" different than the usual take downs I do. Another co worker of mine had "a tree"(Poplar) he wanted me to look at, it was dying and leaning towards the house. To make a long story short, I wasn't at all "excited" to climb it to take it down and he had plenty of room to flop it over so I decided that's what I would do. He wanted all the trees gone anyway so I cut several smaller trees to clear a lane to fell it in. Tied it off, put some tension in the rope, made the cuts, and pulled it over. Did I mention there were power lines nearby.....? All went well. Pulled the tree over and it behaved exactly as I hoped it would. He also had several small Elms that were dead that needed to be taken down. You guessed it, one was leaning over the power lines. :msp_scared: I used my throwline a few times yesterday to set a pull rope, worked out great. But I had to be VERY careful using the throwline for the Elm over the power lines, they make me very nervous. There were 3 small trees growing together in that group. I set the pull rope around all 3, put some tension in the rope, made the cuts, and pulled them over. Same situation with a group of trees over closer to the house. A dead Elm right in the middle of 4 Red Maples. No way to climb it 'cause the Elm was quite a bit taller than the Maples it was in, and they all had "a good bit" of lean towards the house. I was able to cut one separately and push it over myself( only about 6"-8" DBH). I did have to climb this time to set the pull rope, there was no way I could get the throwline around the 4 remaining trees where I wanted it. Again, used the same process. Tied (running bowline) about 20 feet up, put some tension on the rope, make the cuts, and pull 'em over. Once again they fell exactly as I planned(hoped). It was a good day. But I did make a big mess. I'm going back tomorrow after work to finish the "cleanup".
While I was cleaning up the neighbor and his son came over and started talking. Now what do you suppose they wanted to talk about??? You guessed it! They asked if I'd quote a price to take down a large Pine they have in their yard. I gave him a bid and he said he'll give me a call(I won't hold my breath but hey, you never know, he seems to really want the tree down).
Here's a few pics.....




.....after taking down the "lane trees" and the Poplar.....



.....after all trees are down, oh boy, I made a mess.....


This was the first time I took down more than one tree at the same time. It saved me a HUGE amount of work! You can be sure I'll be doing it again.
Been having some trouble getting the "Two Pine Take Down" videos done, I'll post 'em as soon as I get 'em done.
Have a safe week everyone!
Great pictures Jan-sietz! And welcome! Aaron no was meaning where we have been working county project wise, sorry man. Maybe I did not word it well, we are on bloomfield road.
I really enjoy the stories and pictures you post! Netherlands and New Hampshire represented.
Randy, sounds like more business may be coming your way. Good, quality work will usually get you more work.:D


Ayuh, good quality work is what I'm always striving to do. I also enjoy establishing a good relationship with the customer. Put those two things to work and you'll almost always get a call/request for more work. :D I don't think I mentioned the man I topped off three Pines for a month or so ago wants me to top off two more. I went and looked at what he wanted done after work Friday. I gave him a bid and he accepted. :clap: Being busy working is so much better than being busy looking for work! I'm going back to that job I started Saturday to finish up, another 2 or 3 hours should be more than enough. ;) Oh, and on the next street over a man I gave a bid on a large Silver Maple take down a year ago( he never really got back to me with a definite yes or no)asked me to stop by and look at another tree(or two, dead/dying)he needs taken down. More business coming my way??? I sure hope so.....:bringit:
Thanks again!
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

I agree Ron, and great to see you. Aaron yes I believe so. So bring 395:msp_biggrin:?

Crap just saw this now. I'll try to swing by you just in case you brought the saw. Hope you don't have the bar on it so I can put the powerhead in the truck while I'm at work. Otherwise............I'll have to sneak out and remove the bar shortly after the shift starts.:D
Another day done and I made it home safe. :) After I got home from work today I packed gear, changed, and headed over to finish the job I started Saturday. All done! :biggrinbounce2: The home owner works 2nd shift so I won't see him 'til tomorrow to find out if he is happy with the work. I put in a solid 4 hours on it today. Took a few pics, turned out pretty good I think.

This is how I left it Saturday.....

.....chunkin' down the wood.....


.....had to stand in the stream that ran through the property to cut this one.....


.....this is how I left it today.....


.....and I finished off the day pruning some branches on a Silver Maple that the Poplar swatted when it fell.


Have a safe week everyone! :msp_thumbsup:
Finally got a video, but it's not mine. :redface: This is a video the home owner took, came out pretty good. Has some highlights of both take downs. I did get some help from the home owner but it was just me doing the work, it was a good challenge. :bringit: I like the jobs that make me have to really think, that challenge me and push the limits of my skill. That way I'm forced to think it through to make sure I do it safe. ;) Feel free to comment and or criticize, I appreciate any and all of it.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

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The Working Man was smiling when we parted ways yesterday. Norm was carrying his 395XP back to the truck after I drilled and tapped it for two larger starter cover screws (6mm in place of the stock 5mm). Bottom two were stripped out by a prior owner of the saw. A minor thing, but it was bugging my friend Norm quite a bit.

Norm brought the saw to my house yesterday morning and I dropped it off where he was working a couple hours later.......on my way to work. Also had time to install the HD filter elbow on my 272XP to go with the HD filter that Norm brought me. Thanks buddy!:D


Randy just saw your other two work sites, and posts, love it buddy! Yep power makes us real nervous too! Done the multiple falling at same time, a couple times, it is pretty cool and useful as you now know! Great stuff Randy! Aaron made my day buddy, so happy it is right thanks to you, and your work is that of a machinist thanks so much:clap:
Randy just saw your other two work sites, and posts, love it buddy! Yep power makes us real nervous too! Done the multiple falling at same time, a couple times, it is pretty cool and useful as you now know! Great stuff Randy! Aaron made my day buddy, so happy it is right thanks to you, and your work is that of a machinist thanks so much:clap:

Ayuh, don't like to take any chances at all with power lines. :msp_ohmy: The multiple felling is for sure near the top of the list in my "bag of tricks". It really did save me a whole bunch of time and work! :clap: I love learning new stuff. :msp_thumbup:
Glad to hear your saw is back to full working condition. Great to have friends with those skills! :msp_thumbup:
I'll be topping two more pines this Saturday afternoon, lookin' forward to that..... ;)
Time to get ready for work, make coffee.....:msp_sleep:
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

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