The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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How far up in the bucket where you on that Oak? It must have been a pretty good size tree from the looks of what you were getting after.

I just can't see where there can be much money with that bobcat set up by the time you pay for fuel and travel expenses. Not to mention not having much control over what you are cutting.

I didn't need the 660 on that job but I try to bring several saws everytime I cut so if I hit a nail or something I just move on to the next saw. It had a 36" bar on it and I was to lazy to change it. I did bring a 28" with me though to that job.

Did you see that cotton wood stump in the back ground:msp_scared: That thing is easily 6-8' across. He wants to get after that down the road.
That's great news Brian, congratulations!:clap: Nice pics Shane, is that Silver Maple you took down? That does look like a
big stump. Hope that works out for ya'. Hey Norm, nice pics! Looks like you're still working with that Live Oak(?). Yeah, how
high up were you? You're looking pretty comfortable up there.:hmm3grin2orange: Thanks for the comments on the video guys!
I'm really thankful it came down as planned. Going back Saturday for another take down and cleanup, weather permitting. :popcorn:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Shane, is that Silver Maple you took down? That does look like a
big stump. Hope that works out for ya'.

Yes it was silver maple. A few people around here are starting to learn these trees+house+typical Iowa storm don't mix well. That was the concern with this home owner.

I have made it a habit to ask people why they want the trees cut down to give them some other thoughts on what options they have. Sometimes they leave them. This guy wanted some others taken down but I am not for trying to cut trees down that really pose no risk. Someitmes trimming the up is better option then they realize.
Yes it was silver maple. A few people around here are starting to learn these trees+house+typical Iowa storm don't mix well. That was the concern with this home owner.

I have made it a habit to ask people why they want the trees cut down to give them some other thoughts on what options they have. Sometimes they leave them. This guy wanted some others taken down but I am not for trying to cut trees down that really pose no risk. Someitmes trimming the up is better option then they realize.

Ayuh, silver maples are definitely one of the weaker maples. Quick to break limbs and quick to rot out. Not so good to grow right next
to a home.:msp_thumbdn: I agree on asking them why they want it cut. Trim, prune,.....take down only as a last resort. :msp_thumbsup:
Thanks again for the pics. :D
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Yesterday I thought I was going to be a little slow down as I only have few stumps to grind out I ended up following up on a call my wife took that the people wanted a tree removed. I am going to say conservatively a 60' pine tree taken down. Fills gutters up drops needles on cars etc. I went over and bid it and got the job on the spot with stump removal as well:msp_smile: This tree also interefered with an ambulance call as the neighbor needed to be taken out on stretcher and the vehicle needed to go through the neighbors lawn as the house next door the driveway/sidewalk is all steps that a strecther could not go down. It was a reall mess to deal with for the EMS they said.

I climbed up the tree cutting stair steps of branches until the last 20' and then sectioned it out on the way back down. A buddy of mine gave me a linemans harness that I used to keep me in place if I should have problem. I must say it was fun but a lot of extra work latching in and out going up and down but proved very effective.

Keep in mind I weigh in around 235lbs. Maybe I ought to set the fork down a little earlier when chow time comes.

No picutres on this job though. Home owner was present and did nto want to frighten them by taking pictures.

Now awaiting fro Iowa one call to grind the stump.
Nice pics Norm!! You looked pretty comfortable in the bucket. How is the dealing with heights coming along? I hate reaching out of a bucket with anything LOL. I always feel like I am going to drop anything that is not somehow tied on a leash of some sort. Looked like that was a fun job though. I start my new job Friday. Very excited and cant wait to get started.
No pics?, no problem.....

Yesterday I thought I was going to be a little slow down as I only have few stumps to grind out I ended up following up on a call my wife took that the people wanted a tree removed. I am going to say conservatively a 60' pine tree taken down. Fills gutters up drops needles on cars etc. I went over and bid it and got the job on the spot with stump removal as well:msp_smile: This tree also interefered with an ambulance call as the neighbor needed to be taken out on stretcher and the vehicle needed to go through the neighbors lawn as the house next door the driveway/sidewalk is all steps that a strecther could not go down. It was a reall mess to deal with for the EMS they said.

I climbed up the tree cutting stair steps of branches until the last 20' and then sectioned it out on the way back down. A buddy of mine gave me a linemans harness that I used to keep me in place if I should have problem. I must say it was fun but a lot of extra work latching in and out going up and down but proved very effective.

Keep in mind I weigh in around 235lbs. Maybe I ought to set the fork down a little earlier when chow time comes.

No picutres on this job though. Home owner was present and did nto want to frighten them by taking pictures.

Now awaiting fro Iowa one call to grind the stump.
This is getting to be a common response for me, :rolleyes: pictures are great we all love to see 'em but it's the work that puts food on the table. Shane, it's great to hear you got that unexpected work, hope it keeps going that way for ya'. :msp_thumbup: Look forward to more pics when you can get 'em. :Eye::Eye:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Thanks Brian, and I get the same way about reaching out, and also about dropping something. Heights wise still have limits, but getting better. Randy I love pics too, maybe we all need helmet cams:laugh: Be sweet! Well the working man here just rebuilt my second do it myslef carb kit. On my echo pole saw. Kind of nice, good feeling fired right up, and running great!
Helmet cam.....!?!

Thanks Brian, and I get the same way about reaching out, and also about dropping something. Heights wise still have limits, but getting better. Randy I love pics too, maybe we all need helmet cams:laugh: Be sweet! Well the working man here just rebuilt my second do it myslef carb kit. On my echo pole saw. Kind of nice, good feeling fired right up, and running great!
Hey Norm, I'm with ya' 100%! Helmet cam, absolutely! :eek:uttahere2: If only I could justify the definitely ain't in the budget right now. :msp_thumbdn: That is just about the best tool you can have to get a look at how you work and see where you can improve. I'm gonna have to go with my digital camera for now, although it does take good video. ;) Well done on the carb kit, it's a great feeling when you do some thing like that yourself and it comes out right. I just recently swapped the fly wheel side crank seal out of my ms260pro and cut with it last Saturday, it's running great! :msp_thumbup: Hope to do some more cutting with it tomorrow if I don't get rained out. I hope to get pics and video. Like I said video is a great way for me to improve on my technique, and I am very self critical! :msp_glare: Of course the best thing would be to have an experienced climber right there with ya'. :hmm3grin2orange:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
These are from the other day. Not very good pictures but the husband told me his wife took them yesterday when I cut the tree down. I am up in the tree on the first one as well. She took them with a cel phone so this is the best I have.


These are from the other day. Not very good pictures but the husband told me his wife took them yesterday when I cut the tree down. I am up in the tree on the first one as well. She took them with a cel phone so this is the best I have.



You know Shane those are a couple pretty good pics.:msp_thumbup: Good job getting that pine down, and you ground the
stump too?, :msp_thumbsup:niiiiccce!!!
Next Teusday should be interesting. I have a stump to grind out but there is a fiber optic main trunk/line going through that area which is off the stump edge by I would say a good eight feet.

The company that owns it though wants to be on site as I met the guy/cable locator at the location today. Not sure what he is going to be looking for while I am grinding.

Nothing has been located under the the stump from anybody. Got all clear flags from gas and electric as well as the others.

This is a first though for a request to have a guy on standby as it gets ground out:msp_confused:
Thanks Randy, pole saw running good! Son of a ******! Broke my digital camera yesterday, went out to do a check of the trail cams for security, on one of our hunting ranches yesterday. In between checking sd cards, a branch must have hit it the screen is completely smashed. Really a bummer I use it all the time, well hope to get cash soon for a new one. Sam and Shane awesome pictures, beautifull country Sam. Shane it's nice she got some pictures i thought they turned out real well nice job on the takedown. With fiber optic they get squirlly, I used to do culverts, and underground for the county, when fiber optic was in the usa, they always had a guy on site. They are very nervous even if it is in the near vicinity. I have always heard for one hit it is about a seven figure repair cost. We have some way up in the hills above where I grew up, last place you would think the are, and been told they run all the way across the country.
Busted camera.....!?!?!

Thanks Randy, pole saw running good! Son of a ******! Broke my digital camera yesterday, went out to do a check of the trail cams for security, on one of our hunting ranches yesterday. In between checking sd cards, a branch must have hit it the screen is completely smashed. Really a bummer I use it all the time, well hope to get cash soon for a new one. Sam and Shane awesome pictures, beautifull country Sam. Shane it's nice she got some pictures i thought they turned out real well nice job on the takedown. With fiber optic they get squirlly, I used to do culverts, and underground for the county, when fiber optic was in the usa, they always had a guy on site. They are very nervous even if it is in the near vicinity. I have always heard for one hit it is about a seven figure repair cost. We have some way up in the hills above where I grew up, last place you would think the are, and been told they run all the way across the country.

I'll be missing those pics Norm. :cry: But I do like reading your posts too. Hope you can get something worked out with another
camera, I'll be looking for some pics when you do. :popcorn:
Had a great day today, went and did some more cutting. While I was up piecing out the top(the home owner was watching[co worker])
his neighbor walks over and guess what he says??? Ayuh!, you guessed it, "I got a couple trees I'd like to have you look at. :biggrinbounce2: To make a long story short, two pines(one BIG, one kinda small) one red oak(BIG). I can take what ever I want for myself and leave the rest for him to cut up and burn outside. WOOHOO!!!!! Here's a couple pics from today. I'll post the video as soon as I can get it edited and uploaded.
Work safe. ::thumbsup::

Awesome Randy, way cool on the work, photos and man that 385 is throwing some nice chips! Thanks for always being so up beat, and a big and loyal part of this thread, your awesome my friend:msp_thumbsup: Jeanie may give me her camera, and when we can afford it get here a new one, her's is pretty nice, but man without a camera I am cut off at the knees:taped:
Sorry to hear your camera got busted Norm, hope you can get it replaced soon. Good job on the carb kit!! Nothing better knowing your equipment runs because you can maintain and repair it:rock:. Keep working on the heights, slowly but surly I am getting over it. Randy, Shane great pics!! Love seeing pics of the tree work. Sam, as always thats some awesome scenery. Things slowing up yet. or still swamped? I started my first day last Friday, and other than cleaning up brush did a lot of watching. Still had a blast and cant wait for the next day of work. Hope everybody is having a good weekend:cheers:.
Brian, that is cool stuff glad you are liking it, the new job really awesome. Yeah we will see if I can ever conquer the height's, if not I am a hell of alot better than I was. Yeah it's cool getting better, and better with the carb kits.
Friday, and Saturday coming up we got some tree work. Friday for one of the hunting ranches, and Saturday for an old friend. I will have to come up with a camera again by then.

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