The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Ok fellow working brothers! Just got a new camere, thanks to Jeanie, but did not have it earlier, as a real big oak came down, on the county road. It was over four feet at stump closer to 5. Brought phone lines with it, numerous pairs, and as always loaded from all sides. Whiddled away with pole saw lims. Then started cutting it, piecing it out, and use a climb line to tie the cable to the loader, so it did not catipolt to bad. It did throw a 3-4 foot piece, the one rested on wires, no way around it, watch that kerf see which way shes closing, and headed, and keep your eyes moving and get ready to run. Actually went well 660 all the way. My boss put couple pics on facebook, but did not get any cutting.
New camera!?!

Ok fellow working brothers! Just got a new camere, thanks to Jeanie, but did not have it earlier, as a real big oak came down, on the county road. It was over four feet at stump closer to 5. Brought phone lines with it, numerous pairs, and as always loaded from all sides. Whiddled away with pole saw lims. Then started cutting it, piecing it out, and use a climb line to tie the cable to the loader, so it did not catipolt to bad. It did throw a 3-4 foot piece, the one rested on wires, no way around it, watch that kerf see which way shes closing, and headed, and keep your eyes moving and get ready to run. Actually went well 660 all the way. My boss put couple pics on facebook, but did not get any cutting.
Great news on the camera Norm! Looking forward to seeing more of your pics. :popcorn: Sounds like you had a little bit of a challenge
with that oak? Good to hear it went well. :msp_thumbup: You say your boss got pics.....
I'll be at the same place I've been cutting the last two Saturdays tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get it finished up. I plan on taking at least "a few" pics. :Eye::Eye:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Glad to here you got a camera Norm! And that sounded like some interesting cutting. Bet it kept you on your toes for sure. Went up a Pine today to clean out some broken branches. Boss took a couple of pics while I was on my way up. Its rare that I say this, but my boss wont let me work enough LOL.


Glad to here you got a camera Norm! And that sounded like some interesting cutting. Bet it kept you on your toes for sure. Went up a Pine today to clean out some broken branches. Boss took a couple of pics while I was on my way up. Its rare that I say this, but my boss wont let me work enough LOL.



Way to go Brian! :msp_thumbsup: Live action photos, those are the best kind! :D Looks like you've got some nice weather down there for working. It's been chilly up here in New Hampsha', windy, mostly cloudy, about 45. Got the wood stove fired up shortly after getting home from work. Looks like work is going great for ya'. Thanks for posting those great pics, more to come I hope? :popcorn:
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Glad the new gig is working out for you Brian, looks like you are having fun.

We need some extra cutters between the helo and the yarders. Got time to swing out to Montana? Monday would be best....:msp_biggrin:

Awesome I love all you guy's really do. I think about ya all the time, big part of why I take the time to take pics. Always want to listen to your stories, and see youre pics, and share mine. It really is a highlight of evryday. The working man, loves a challenge of a Big boar that always slips us, or a technical dismantle. Well met one today, new it would be. All rigging all technical, and alot of thinking the kind that tests every skill you have, and then more. It was Jesus climbing, me with rigging, and pointers, Bob a groundy with me, and the director our friend Sean groundie, and helped big time. He was bed ridden sick yesterday, and I told him you sit it out my friend we got it, nope was there till the end. Man hate to see him when he is 100 percent, because this guy is a workhorse. Jesus is not yet at the level of Marky mark, or Parmeter, but we will get him there, he has so much natural ability, we are working on climbing and rigging, and he learned how to run a block today. He gets better every climb, and made me really proud today, as he really stepped up on a tough one, Parmeter had to work. Pics of the Oak over the roof, and chimney do not do it justice, it was taxing physically and mentally. Had to think every step, and work for every inch cut. Thought we would get it done today, but we have a half day left, made are friends so happy, and they were impressed with our game, and never saw tree work up close. Served us an outstanding lunch, and I am a little sore, not too bad but know I worked today.
The working man.....

Awesome I love all you guy's really do. I think about ya all the time, big part of why I take the time to take pics. Always want to listen to your stories, and see youre pics, and share mine. It really is a highlight of evryday. The working man, loves a challenge of a Big boar that always slips us, or a technical dismantle. Well met one today, new it would be. All rigging all technical, and alot of thinking the kind that tests every skill you have, and then more. It was Jesus climbing, me with rigging, and pointers, Bob a groundy with me, and the director our friend Sean groundie, and helped big time. He was bed ridden sick yesterday, and I told him you sit it out my friend we got it, nope was there till the end. Man hate to see him when he is 100 percent, because this guy is a workhorse. Jesus is not yet at the level of Marky mark, or Parmeter, but we will get him there, he has so much natural ability, we are working on climbing and rigging, and he learned how to run a block today. He gets better every climb, and made me really proud today, as he really stepped up on a tough one, Parmeter had to work. Pics of the Oak over the roof, and chimney do not do it justice, it was taxing physically and mentally. Had to think every step, and work for every inch cut. Thought we would get it done today, but we have a half day left, made are friends so happy, and they were impressed with our game, and never saw tree work up close. Served us an outstanding lunch, and I am a little sore, not too bad but know I worked today.
Ayuh, I'm with ya' on that Norm, love checking in reading about guys talking about what we all have a passion for, tree work. :clap:
Great pics Norm, looks like one of those jobs that wear you out mentally just as much as physically. Those are the best ones! :msp_w00t:
Will you get more pics of the end of the job? :popcorn: Hope so. Working overtime at the shop this morning, need to go turn the coffee on
and get ready to run out the door. Oh yeah, gotta "bed down" the wood stove, cold out this morning. I'll be cutting this afternoon, no climbing today, "just" cleanup. :laugh: Hope to get this job complete today. Plan to get pics.
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Thanks Randy!! Weather is ok I guess, was cool in the mornings and up to the 70s in the afternoon. Was up to the low 90s today, starting to get too hot. Would rather it be cold honestly.

Thanks Sam!! Would love to come out and help if I could get off work. If the wood is of any value, I might cost you more than help LOL. Still have a lot of learning yet ahead of me before I am ready to be set out loose on my own. Just nice to have somebody to smack me on the back of the head when I am doing something stupid.

Norm, nice pics. Looks like a pretty big job. I like that feeling of knowing that you did something. And I like puzzles, sounds like that one was a puzzle for sure. Next time if you have a chance snap some pics of the rigging set up.
Not quite done yet.....

.....was hoping to get this job finished up today, not quite done yet. I've got one more load to take out and that should do it. really was worse than it looked.....

.....down to business.....


.....I could really use a hot shower.....

attachment.php ain't gonna load itself.....


.....loaded up and ready to go home, unload wood, unload equipment, and find that hot shower.....:hmm3grin2orange:


.....good days work, I'm exhausted.....
Work safe. ::thumbsup::
Forgot to say howdy the other night Sam, miss ya man. Good stuff guys, will do on rigging pics. The working man was stoved up first thing today, and cold no fire going. But had to suck it up, and push on. Today it was Parmeter and I helping an old, and dear friend. Sy her husband Jim was well wish he was my father cause he really was to me. He died last year at 84. We always check in on her, and help however we can. She had a dead redwood top 190 feet up, by her front door. Took John two hours to cut out dead limbs, and flip around live ones, trees like this take time, and effort. Flipline came up short, so he made one out of his climb line. But a little more work, as it's not a stiff and a smaller grab so more effort, but works in a pinch. I took down a decent oak, and faced it all was well, cut it standing up on a fence, as to clear the fence it was leaning over. Started on the backcut with the 2101, and it let loose a little quicker then I wanted. went right where i gunned it, but pulled fiber, and a bit soon, due to hollow center. Fooled me felt all solid and sound, but as soon as I hit the back cut it started to cut. I sawed up what I could fast, and stepped back. We put my 200ft climb line in the top, and gave it a pull to steer where we wanted it. Had limbs to jump and clear, after it let loose we heard a crowd cheer. It was our neighboor friends, gathered around, and filming. Gave us a good feeling. I am hurting tonight, two days of being short handed, and getting after it.
Thanks, and man concrete work, not my favorite, take tree work any day. Anybody have a 372 muffler laying around let me know, mine broke yesterday.
Norm, I can't spare one, but I bought a couple really nice used OEM ones off ebay, might be worth a look.
Thanks Sam, yep surprised me was running it, and sheared right of at the two front bolts. It's a older muffler. If I come across a stock used one, may port it myself. But gotta get my saw going soon. Firewood season.
Firewood season.....?

Thanks Sam, yep surprised me was running it, and sheared right of at the two front bolts. It's a older muffler. If I come across a stock used one, may port it myself. But gotta get my saw going soon. Firewood season.

Hey Norm, you're right about firewood season. Starts in April and ends in March right.....???:hmm3grin2orange:
LOL! With me its year round at times! But yep busy at it now, and we cut on the ranches alot during thes etimes, it really pics up.
Thanks Will, how ya been? Must be busy it's that time of year.

Arrgg, not doing that great, hurt my back pretty bad, been sore for a few weeks, and the other day it went from bad to worse, spending most of the time on the couch, went for a walk today, and was in pain the whole time.

Anyway enough about that. PM me you're addy, and I'll try to get this muffler out to ya.

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