Nice stuff you got Randy!! That is some stuff that is on my list for down the road for sure, keep eying some of the very same items in the catalogs. I got a box in yesterday as well from the 4th sale as well, cant beat 10% off. Got a CMI ascender, a webbing strap (witch turned out to be a little shorter than I needed), another caribiner, a caritool, and another hitchclimber pulley. I thought I was going to use the hitchclimber pulley on the bridge, but not so sure I like it. Need to do some more experimenting with it. Throwing away a brand new chain suck Norm!! I have been pretty lucky and have only hit metal a time or two. The more I cut I am sure I will find more. Didnt get to take out that pine today, but all was not lost. Got to break in the new saddle on a larger oak. The saddle is super comfortable, almost no pressure or discomfort what so ever. Definitely a good purchase, would definitely recommend it. And on another note, I made it about the highest I have climbed as of yet which would be around 40ish feet. Still not very high in whole scheme of things, but I am getting more comfortable up there
