The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Yep Cary, I agree. All I own, used to laugh when some of the 20in ported saw crowds, who claimed to out cut the big saws. Always asked us if it was a macho thing?? I pack what I can carry, bar and saw wise, that will cut the most. And yep Wrap mandatory for me, then I heard well can't flush cut stumps, well i get those low too. They want em lower, we use a stump grinder:msp_w00t:

Wrap handlebars should come stock with all saws with the half wrap being optional out here in Ontario its the opposite half wrap comes with everything and u gotta special order full wrap and some guys dont want to touch full wrap because of flush cutting :msp_confused: yet unless you own a stump removal business or that is your stumping saw, a full wrap is better in every other situation.

Norm I was also wondering how big is the biggest tree youve ever cut, diameter wise? And what was it???
Cary I totally agree with you, both times! Randy always exceptional, when it your work and vids bro! I agree with denis nice work and technique. Aaron I know, bummer we had to do it friday, totally wanted to have you with us, but knew you were at work. Arrr! This winter we will have many days, you pick em my friend. Alex biggesst I think for me has been six foot, the narrow way, Oak a few of em. One doug fir true 6 foot through. Man i knew I was in wood.
Awesome video Randy !!! Nice technique, well thought out drops and little or no chance for collateral damage.

2 thumbs up !

Thanks Denis,
the bad weather at the end of the day really made it a challenge. The yard has many "targets" which forced me to be VERY careful.;)
After today's take down I still have three videos "cooking". :D I took down a good size White Birch today, went pretty good, dropped the trunk exactly on the line I "gunned" for. :msp_w00t: Here's a couple pics from today.....




Hey Norman, I look in on this thread every now and then.
I don't remove trees anymore but here is some pics of this years Firewood piles.




I will get some loads of wood from guys with end dumps, but most are roll off bin trucks or smaller.


I have never seen so much firewood wow.

Not to much new here with me. Weather has turned for the worse the last couple of days so its a nice break.

In talks with a sponser here to maybe get a new wheel for the stump grinder. Big investment for such and old machine but I see it being better for machine and me in the long run if they can make it work.
I have never seen so much firewood wow.

Not to much new here with me. Weather has turned for the worse the last couple of days so its a nice break.

In talks with a sponser here to maybe get a new wheel for the stump grinder. Big investment for such and old machine but I see it being better for machine and me in the long run if they can make it work.

What Brand of stump grinder? I have a old old Vermeer I will be scraping.
What is wrong with your wheel?
Wow Cliff!!! That is a lot of wood to stack! Randy, the video looked great. Looked like every thing was under control. When your chunking down the stem, have you ever tried the step cut?
What Brand of stump grinder? I have a old old Vermeer I will be scraping.
What is wrong with your wheel?

Its a 630A the wheel has been repaired mulitple times and welded in such a away that the holes are not lining up correctly for guaging the teeth. I want to get a wheel on it that doesn't requir setting the teeth any more and that is better balanced.

If you are scraping a 630 I might be interested in a couple of parts though?
Sounds like that stumper is gonna be a whole new machine by the time you get done modding it. Probably run better than any stock machine of that variety.

Hope yer keepin' busy enuf and the kids are thriving....

Its a 630A the wheel has been repaired mulitple times and welded in such a away that the holes are not lining up correctly for guaging the teeth. I want to get a wheel on it that doesn't requir setting the teeth any more and that is better balanced.

If you are scraping a 630 I might be interested in a couple of parts though?

Mine is the model 6. When I got it, I up graded it to a 630 wheel, bearings and 4 belt
pulley. It had 3 belt pulley and two cylinder engine. I put a 4 cylinder 30hp Wisconsin
on it. I used to buy teeth from a company that you did not need to set them.
They were bigger and had a built in stop. They seemed to last longer.
Sounds like that stumper is gonna be a whole new machine by the time you get done modding it. Probably run better than any stock machine of that variety.

Hope yer keepin' busy enuf and the kids are thriving....


It is starting to seem more like a restoration than a working machine:bang: I has more than paid backs its debt so far though.

Kids are keeping me currently:angry: but that is another story for another day:msp_sneaky:

Mine is the model 6. When I got it, I up graded it to a 630 wheel, bearings and 4 belt
pulley. It had 3 belt pulley and two cylinder engine. I put a 4 cylinder 30hp Wisconsin
on it. I used to buy teeth from a company that you did not need to set them.
They were bigger and had a built in stop. They seemed to last longer.

I put a 35hp briggs vanguard to replace the Wisconsin engine that was on it. It pulls good but I know there is a crack on the current wheel and figuring the age of it upgrading to a better wheel I hope will be a win win with time saved cuttign and easier on engine and lastly less time setting teeth. It will all happen over the winter. I know by todays standards the 630A is beyond old but it gets every job done I have brough it too:msp_smile:
Wow Cliff!!! That is a lot of wood to stack! Randy, the video looked great. Looked like every thing was under control. When your chunking down the stem, have you ever tried the step cut?

Nope, haven't tried that yet. I understand how it's done, just haven't thought of using it. I'll give it a try next time I'm "up a tree". :hmm3grin2orange:
Here's a few pics from today.....time for sleep, I'm tired and sore. :D




Randy good deal my friend, ahhh running the dogs again this weekend, Boar last saturday with them. They need to get out me too. I would cut more on after hunt days, but my four wheeler fills my saw trailer, and don't have room for all the gear. Otherwise would cut some saturday. So may do it next weekend. Shane sorry your stump grinder is having problems, hope you get it sorted out ok. Pete, Cliff, Brian great to see you guys.
Randy good deal my friend, ahhh running the dogs again this weekend, Boar last saturday with them. They need to get out me too. I would cut more on after hunt days, but my four wheeler fills my saw trailer, and don't have room for all the gear. Otherwise would cut some saturday. So may do it next weekend. Shane sorry your stump grinder is having problems, hope you get it sorted out ok. Pete, Cliff, Brian great to see you guys.

Thanks Norm,
hope to haul out the rest of everything I've put on the ground up to this point on Saturday, we'll see. :dunno:
Good to hear you're getting out with the dogs. Having good dogs around is really very relaxing I find. Unfortunately my wife and I don't have any. (we "borrow" the neighbor's once in a while ;) _I wouldn't want to have dogs unless I was able to spend time with them every day and I'm just not around the house enough. :( I don't think it would be fair to them, but that's just me.
Time to go make coffee and get ready for "work".....
Have a safe weekend. :msp_thumbsup:
Nope, haven't tried that yet. I understand how it's done, just haven't thought of using it. I'll give it a try next time I'm "up a tree". :hmm3grin2orange:
Here's a few pics from today.....time for sleep, I'm tired and sore. :D





Cool way to store your rounds on the pallets, do they seem to dry out better on end?
I agree on the dogs Randy. You could do like me and bring them cutting, and to tree jobs LOL! I agree with Cary cool on the rounds on the pallet's, never seen it before.