The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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Cool way to store your rounds on the pallets, do they seem to dry out better on end?

I agree on the dogs Randy. You could do like me and bring them cutting, and to tree jobs LOL! I agree with Cary cool on the rounds on the pallet's, never seen it before.

The idea came out of necessity, we needed to keep the area accessible and still stack the wood so it's ready to be split, and safe to work around without any concern of it falling over. We will start splitting and stacking in the next few months when we are able to get a "crew"(volunteers ;) ) together. It wasn't intended to to be left that way to dry but, now that you mention it, might be a good way to go.....:msp_thumbup: I'm planning on hauling out the last of what I've cut (so far) tomorrow, maybe three more loads? We'll see.....Have a great weekend.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Wassup Norm!!??? Got 5 good Oaks to drop and process tomorrow...
Not sure if I can pull that one off, but I'll do my best...
I'll try and get some pics of the saws and carnage...
The 9010 will see some action with these...:rock:
Wassup Norm!!??? Got 5 good Oaks to drop and process tomorrow...
Not sure if I can pull that one off, but I'll do my best...
I'll try and get some pics of the saws and carnage...
The 9010 will see some action with these...:rock:
Sweet to bad we don't live close, I would help ya! You liking that 9010? I have eye balled them for awhile, look good to me. Looking forward to your 5 oak trees story and pics.
Sweet to bad we don't live close, I would help ya! You liking that 9010? I have eye balled them for awhile, look good to me. Looking forward to your 5 oak trees story and pics.

Yeah, it's hard working, and heavy as hell...
Right up your alley... Built like a tank...
Finally caught up, hauled the last of the wood that I've cut up to this point. :) Took three full loads out yesterday. I've taken 8 loads total from there "so far". Figures out to just over 4 1/2 cord. The home owner told me when I showed up that he has 4 more Oaks (above and beyond the 20+ he already wants me to take down) he wants taken down. :msp_w00t: Here's a few pics, it was dark when my wife and I finished, sorry for the poor quality pics.....

.....pulling out after dropping off the second load.....

.....third load ready to go.....

....."the pile" after dumping the third load.....
Awesome Randy, good pile of wood. That's beautiful country out there:msp_thumbsup: Love the truck my friend sweet!:cool2:
Awesome Randy, good pile of wood. That's beautiful country out there:msp_thumbsup: Love the truck my friend sweet!:cool2:

Thanks Norm,
Ayuh, the pile is growing, and there will be more coming. :D I'm grateful my Church let's me use the truck(I love it too :hmm3grin2orange:), makes the work a whole lot easier.
It is beautiful country for sure. ;)
Have a safe week. :msp_thumbup:
Time to make coffee and get ready for work.....
Of all that wood that you've been dropping there, how much will the church actually burn in a year ? I guess what's left will be used for later years.
Of all that wood that you've been dropping there, how much will the church actually burn in a year ? I guess what's left will be used for later years.

In a "normal" winter I'll burn 4 [SUP]1[/SUP]/[SUB]2[/SUB] cord, there are two other families that will burn almost 3 cord each, close to 11 cord total in an average winter. And yes, absolutely, IF there is any leftover it gets rotated to the next winter. :) We are one winter ahead right now and our goal is to get two winters ahead. :msp_w00t:
I had a co worker stop me on the way out the door last Friday and asked if I would be interested in giving him an estimate to take down a tree growing near his house, he gave me his address today. And wouldn't you know, it's OAK!!! :msp_w00t: He's in no "big hurry" to have it done, said I could stop in to take a look whenever I get a chance which is great for me 'cause I'm a bit overloaded right now. :dizzy: BUT, I ain't gonna turn down extra money AND Oak firewood!:clap: And as I always say, it's way better to have too much work than it is to not have enough. ;)
We'll see what happens.....
Randy nice pile of BTU sticks you have there:hmm3grin2orange:

Heres today work. MS660 (28" bar) MS460 (20" bar) The 460 i just got back from Tree monkey and this was my first day of using it. I highly recommend his wrok. Saw was perfect and is crazy strong.

I also brought along my pole saw, homelite XL113 (quit running) ProMac 55 ran good and then all of a sudden fuel pouring out exhuast, and a homelite xl-12 with a hard nose 16" bar and it worked flawlessly. Tomorrow I will bring the MS261. It was to frustrating messing around with the problems of the older saws.



Hey Randy, the storm " Sandy "starting to move in on you up there where your at yet ?

I'm listening to the wind howl and the rain pound on the roof right now. We're not getting anywhere near what they're getting a bit south of here. They're really taking a beating. :msp_ohmy: Hope everyone "weathers" the storm OK.
Randy nice pile of BTU sticks you have there:hmm3grin2orange:

Heres today work. MS660 (28" bar) MS460 (20" bar) The 460 i just got back from Tree monkey and this was my first day of using it. I highly recommend his wrok. Saw was perfect and is crazy strong.

I also brought along my pole saw, homelite XL113 (quit running) ProMac 55 ran good and then all of a sudden fuel pouring out exhuast, and a homelite xl-12 with a hard nose 16" bar and it worked flawlessly. Tomorrow I will bring the MS261. It was to frustrating messing around with the problems of the older saws.




Thanks Shane,
sounds like a pretty good day other than the little "saw trouble". I don't know if it's just me but all I'm seeing are little blue boxes instead of pictures? :confused:
Got another video done, take look.....

Take Down of Tree #6 of 20+ - YouTube
Thanks Shane,
sounds like a pretty good day other than the little "saw trouble". I don't know if it's just me but all I'm seeing are little blue boxes instead of pictures? :confused:
Got another video done, take look.....

Take Down of Tree #6 of 20+ - YouTube

Nice job on the tree and video. Those trunk sections get some speed going fast.

Pictures show up for me so not sure on why no go for you:confused:

As for the old saw troubles I'm now getting to the point I might sell off a bunch of my smaller older saws and step up and buy another new stihl. I didn't really expect much of the older saws in their effort to run as I haven't gone through them top to bottom. But with getting paid to do jobs is not the place to be tinkering with troubled saws. I had plenty of good saw power with me though as I wasn't going to leave the door open on not getting anything done.

Trying to balance some of this tree work and stump grinding and keeping a household up with me being a primary job of stay at home dad is leaving little time for tinkering on the older saws so the new ones are winnign the battle for right now.

I got to say though the old XL-12 surprised me at how well it does though.
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Good to see ya fellas! Hope you fair the weather ok Randy. Shane sounds good to upgrade those saws, sounds like you have the need, and got plenty of work as well.
I'm listening to the wind howl and the rain pound on the roof right now. We're not getting anywhere near what they're getting a bit south of here. They're really taking a beating. :msp_ohmy: Hope everyone "weathers" the storm OK.

Randy , hope you and yours stay safe and dry, to the south of you it looks like theres going to be alot to cleanup and fix when its done and blown out.