I learned that 041's have enough juice to straighten a man's hair.
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Measure twice- cut once.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!
Do it at night and see the sparks fly as it goes across the driveway and off into the dark. Great memories, I tell you.Ain't it just amazing how far a clutch can roll ! Just saying.
Bar oil goes in the fuel tank, very easily....
If your 650 BSA motorcycle starts running on one cylinder at a red light, it is O.K. to rev it up to keep it from stalling
but look down to see if a spark plug wire has fallen off and is laying on your leg "Before" reaching for the chrome plated clutch lever with your bare hands.
When you are maintaining a 1500 rpm idle to keep from stalling it is amazing how many times your left elbow tries to explode before you can get your hand off the chrome plated steel lever. Since the light is green and you are holding up traffic you have to grab it again and ease the clutch out to get out of the busy intersection and try to not stall the kick start only bike in heavy traffic.
My Lil Echo makes that even easier. The carb is in the front as well as the gas tank. Oil in the back....
I think the gas started going into the oil reservoir before the OH $#!^ alarm kicked in.
and your KubotaFYI , This also applies to your truck. Trust me I know !!