I'm just up thinking about tomorrow. I have an oak to take down that has been dead for quite awhile. It has been topped off at about 90 plus feet. The DBH is about 42 inches. I don't believe there is much left to the roots. I am not sure what besides the weight and balance of it is keeping it up. I plan on tieing in to a poplar that is about 16 feet away. I am also planning on using a three quarter bull rope to tie it back to the poplar. I hope it stays up long enoug to rope some of the top out and chunk down a few logs. I crane would help but not a big possibility. I've done trees this bad in the past. You can't help but wonder when you have this many cards stacked against you. The worse that could happen is it would fail and cause severe property damage and I would live through it. I'm not affraid to die. I've been expecting it since I was 26. I have had trees fail on me before and only fell twice due to that. Both times falling between 35 and 40 feet on my back. Each time I got up with out a scatch and managed to climb a few more that same day. If you have ever fallen out you may have felt as I did. It is a peaceful feeling. I thought I was going to die. I guess I should be glad I do these everyday like I use to. Maybe I can check back in and let you all know how it went.