give ya a nova since you don't have a higher power. felt sorry fer ya.
I was just admiring that. lol
I wear it well.
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give ya a nova since you don't have a higher power. felt sorry fer ya.
yeah glad my hard drinking days are over too! Seems like as soon as the weather gets nasty the work gets neck deep. We have a ton of work here, Big removals, pruning and today we got 4 inches of snow and sleet. I'm glad were busy but I'd rather bust my butt when the weather makes things a little easier, I mean why do people wait untill winter arrives to call. Oh well I'll take a few pictures next week.... Mike
No doubt I would have more money if I left him behind. If I had nothing to morally ground me I could see easy money but it would be dishonest. I know that money made that way will not last and more important will not make me happy. Sorta like saving the ship by cutting it's sails and leaving you stranded in the deep Pacific.
You guys sound somewhat ungrateful that your best friend, a storm, has weeded out the dangerously weak trees with a potential to hurt you, or one of your employees.
Kinda weak guys, you should be thanking the storm gods, and tightening your discipline&methods to make the most of storms safely.
I like storms myself, like a fat content old buzzard eaten it up.
Blues despair and agony on thee lol. I don't feel so bad now that I know your struggling too. Not that I am happy you are mind you, it's just that I am barely avoiding bankruptcy and though it seems eminent. I cling to faith in my abilities and my higher power to help me sort out my debts but may need to just call it
Hang in there Oh brother where art thou!
Workin on some some stuff and hopin that i can throw some to ya!
But yea some times this time of the year ya wonder is it worth it.
And how many winters have you ask yourselves that.
probably more than I have.And still were in it come spring.
Your prolly right, I sure don't see a chance of me landing a rocket scientist job lol. I have some work just not gobs of it I suppose I will make do but the bills are not paid. I prolly need to talk with a lawyer to save what I can, restructure but really hate not being able to pay everyone. That is what stinks, then get behind and no catching up
Can you tap any regulars with a little nudge for discounted services. Works for me in the winter. Just leaf thru you clientele and consider stuff they need done that hasn't been done yet or drop a bid or two. It is not like knocking on doors and business types can appreciate the technique from their own experiences.
Think of "Black Sheep" with Farley and Spade.
You know I prob. shouldn't kid about such a touchy subject but I know your personality and think it is probably ok.
This is a real strange economic climate. I always buy some stuff in the fall to ditch taxes a little. Had a good year and came a breath away from signing the dotted line on a commercial property with couple of big bays for a little under $200K. Didn't seem prudent as Bush used to say so I lowered my sights to upgrading my truck crane. Then I backed off that even tho I was approved for the loan. Now I am thinking I may have to liquidate some of my stuff by the end of the winter....which I have some stuff I can do without.
Hell of a lot better than 20 years ago back in my drinking days that had the IRS about to take my business and house and all my equipment. I considered shooting the agent as I knew exactly where he walked every day at lunch downtown where I picked up my wife. He looked so happy and carefree without a worry in the world and what he was doing to me was pure hell. Long story not worth the time.
Blues despair and agony on thee lol. I don't feel so bad now that I know your struggling too. Not that I am happy you are mind you, it's just that I am barely avoiding bankruptcy and though it seems eminent. I cling to faith in my abilities and my higher power to help me sort out my debts but may need to just call it
Hey, I have got it, we are composing a top selling country song. Hurry someone call Willie were gonna be rich On a lighter note: got to go grind some stumps, whilst the grounds froze. Not sure I am going bankrupt yet but it does appear grim. It started because I did not like climbing everything then wanted a grapple truck to get brush up faster. It was working in the old economy but hell, I guess we will likely all be in the poor house when this term is over. Oh well there is always disability lol.
Lol and I thought I was sick lmfao. Hell; I may as well laugh, hurts too much to cry. We do it to ourselves; should of known the economy was going bust. Hindsight 20 20, if I keep the farm and some of my toys I will be ok. I wish now I would have just climbed everything, I was rollin in dough back then but way too tired to spend it. Come to think of it, that ain't bad either lol
I wish you the best of luck rope.
We've talked about this before, but I'll say it again: I cant wait till I'm done with the payment thing. Just plain sick of being under it all the time. Its not that I regret the purchases I've made, I just want to get back to more simple times. Less than two years on the chipper and about two years and nine months left on the bucket. I want to say I'll probably just buy something else...but this year and some of the so called competition have really made me wonder about this biz (getting sick of competing with the likes of "affordable tree" and "the tree assassin").
, my freezer's full of venison, And I don't mind the taste of Evan Williams either, lol.
got drunk, and swerved to hit a deer, way to go my man!
redneck treeclimber all the way bro!