TreeHouse Elder
Wise, well thought out posts, fellas.
Wise, well thought out posts, fellas.
I think me ole pal Ekka is now selling vacuum cleaners door to door after being forced to shut down his forum and apologize to a disgruntled (and lawyered up) (and very wealthy) TW poster. ...
So what is TW?
(and that sounds like a good story. Got a link?)
that either..."treewurld" sub an o for the ukind of juvenile they won't let you post "treebusz" isn't it? Search "********* arborist's forum" somewhat amusing discussion.
kind of juvenile they won't let you post "treebusz" isn't it? Search "********* arborist's forum" somewhat amusing discussion.
Ohhhhhh......... You are cliff claven ?!?!Not exactly juvenile; Rockefeller got rather rich by excluding the competition and stepping on any startups. So far as I am aware, there are no anti-trust laws pointed directly at the internet, so Darin might be able to pull off a tree-related monopoly. Besides, maybe the other guys are fighting dirty too, and we just don't know about it.
Ohhhhhh......... You are cliff claven ?!?!
LolSo who is cliff claven?