Hmm, 64 in our house currently and I'm in shorts..We like it warm in the house for sure. Shorts weather in here.
OK, but that's "feels like" -16. What was it really?View attachment 404841
This is the temp inside my house
View attachment 404842
And this is what it is outside.
24F thats it? t shirt weather thereInside right now 75F, outside according to my weather page it is 24F. I have one small split of ash burning with a medium chunky oak ugly. If I put two more splits in and opened the air a scosh I would hit well over 80 real quick. but...75 is warm enough for me right now, rather save the wood. A room heater doesn't work well across a house just by itself, but it's real handy keeping it manually adjusted being just a few steps away.