Arboristsit lurker
-14 with clear skies. 73 inside. Burning some American Elm then load it up with red oak at bed time

Well yes, but in a virtual world you need to have someone tell you that exposed skin will get cold, because you probably don't experience that on-line.the weather people hadn't invented windchill.
It was -3.OK, but that's "feels like" -16. What was it really?
When I was growing up they figured that winter meant cold weather. I never saw my school close because of weather but I did see -40º temperatures in the morning on a few occasions. I only lived about 1/2 mile from my high school so bus or car issues never entered the picture for me. A brisk 10 minute walk and I was at school. "uphill both ways" I love it but I lived on fairly flat land.
Going to school back in the 50's and 60's the weather people hadn't invented windchill. Used to ride bikes year round even when it was -20 to -30. The good ol days.
I can only attest to going to school in the 70's and 80's but we used to ride our bikes all over as well. Everyday after school it seemed that us townies would make the trek down to the river to go sledding or ice skating. I tried took my kids and showed them where we used to go and they just couldn't imagine being out on the ice, having to shovel all the snow off the ice, walking or riding your bike that far, not to mention it being cold. Seemed like some high schoolers would always manage to come down with a gas can and get a fire going! Better quit, getting all nostalgic and stuff.
OK, but that's "feels like" -16. What was it really?
I didn't grow up here Johnny. I grew up in a suburb of Montreal. We saw -40º almost every year. I don't think I have seen colder than -10º around here.yep, spent 13 years in the Land of Lincoln and pretty flat; missed the north country so moved back while in my mid thirties and been going up hill both ways ever since!
When mine were that young they used to walk to the back sliding glass door and lay naked in the sunshine coming through the south facing window. I'm thinking back that they looked every bit as relaxed for the same reason. It was a warm cozy place to lay down and just feel good.Back on the OP's title on why we do what we do: even if it wasn't for the financial savings, and even if there weren't any health benefits, I'd still fight the wood ticks in the summer and the snow and cold in the winter to cut firewood, and here's why - favorite spot in the house for daughter #2; after every bath and shower, she either sits or lays there for awhile soaking up the Btu's.
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