Throw Bags and line?

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Great money in alder if you can get 12 foot or longer straightish logs to a log truck (or vice versa) $450-650 mbf.....8 inch minimum.

We never pay to dump wood or chips, unless it is junky cottonwood (not saleable as pulp or peelers) or poplar.
Roger, I heard there is a 325mbf market for Cottonwood right now with Simpson. Let's Bid some Lead Styrofoam!
Yeah, well, in a week I'll be getting one that looks identical except* for the lettering on the side..and it'll eat that wieney saw for breakfast....

$325 mbf?? I havent heard of those BC peeler prices in years. go for it...

.or go home...

* besides the pipe;) right Ed!?
I'm ignorant in the area of wood harvesting, could you just load the logs on a trailer and take them to a mill, and get paid like that?

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Every one probably knows this one and I found it 'neat' when I discovered it.

I use 2 bags on a ZI line all in a small line bag. Many of the trees I've been working with are very bushy at the crowns. So, I send a bag high up in the canopy often including much of the interior light stuff. I then pull the bag and line untill the orther bag at the other end goes up to drop though the bushy interior growth and drop to the crotch I'm after. Then do the reverse with the other end. Found it a good way to isolate high crotches without a BS.

Don't get a bag hung very often. I use 12 oz bags on both ends. Like the smoth 'plastic' like suface ones from Sherrill.

I always carry a 10x10' canvas tarp with me to set up from to avoid all the &#%$% twigs. And most of the trees I work on require a cambium saver either a request from the client or my own care of the tree thoughts. If I have to go higher than my throw line I'll just get up there without useing the cambium saver and carry it up to set it higher.

A lot of what I've learned I found here or from observing others in action or pics.
