Sure thing. Here it is with a 6oz throwball, shown for scale on the pocket. (the 12oz throwball is propping it up for the camera). The handle folds up and makes the whole thing about 1/3rd as long. Sadly, the newer design pictured in the links below does not look like it folds up.
I got the idea for this in another thread here at AS; the slingshot is marketed as a tennis ball launcher for dogs. Ho! Ho! Ho! You need to be pretty strong to shoot a tennis ball further than a reasonably healthy person can throw a tennis ball. On the other hand, if you have an injured shoulder and can't throw worth a hoot, this is a nice option. If you need accuracy, this is a good way to get it.
It is excellent for 30'-40' (max) shots with a 6oz throwing weight straight up under a dense canopy. Right where you need it most, when the big shot is big overkill and the angle is all wrong for throwing. 20' shots are just a turkey shoot.
Here is a good link for where to get it:
Only $25, with free freight included! The picture in the link looks like they have re-designed it so that there is better leverage on the "Y" part of the slingshot. Notice that the ball holder on my unit is above the handgrip, whereas the link shows it below the I'll bet the new version is even better. The rubbers on the newer design look different, too. Mine are black/opaque (like a big shot), and the new ones are yellow/clear.
I bought mine here: $26.90 with shipping.
I store the 6oz & the 12oz bags inside the cube I got from Sherrill. This is SO much better than anything else I tried before. If you already have a cube, this will help you get a good idea about the size of the slingshot.
Sorry man. I just can't bring myself to hug a thorny honey locust. I don't like trees that much.
I received an unsolicited gift in the mail from a member here...a BIG SHOT head, a throwline reel packed with braided orange throwline (I'm embarassed to say I don't know which kind of line)and a spiffy new 12oz throwbag, with a micro clip.
That is AWESOME, some guys are just freaking cool!
Many years ago, when I first started, I had a phone call from Vermeer that I had some stuff to pick up? "WHAT'S VERMEER?" I said, figured it out and went over there, nice little bundle of knowledge. The Tree Climbers Handbook, ANSI Pruning Standard's, Best practices books and a bunch a misc. slings and biners. All new stuff with a little note inside the TCH that said "learn it, master it, repay it with good work, have fun and stay safe"
Still to this day I don't know who sent it, I will say though, I have my suspects, one is that great big guy up north! Not Santa, JPS!
I asked him years ago, he said he new nothing! Thought maybe it was Brain Koticiwa (sp?) as I met him when I met JPS.
Anyways, when it happens, its hard not to smile when ya think about it!
Very Cool, VERY COOL!
So, too the secret santa