I run 72 LG hand filed. Cant tell you the exact angle cause their in my head. A oregon roller guide works good as well.
Georgia oak does not = MI oak.
Georgia oak does not = MI oak.
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Ray , way back it was used to bounce cannon balls .Maybe he cuts Live Oak(quercus virginia).You know, the state tree of Georgia. It is one of if not the densest, heaviest of the oaks.
He said Red oak, which isnt the hardest wood around any way. A red oak tree grown in upper MI will be more dense than one grown in GA based on the simple fact the Growing season in Georgia is a much longer than it is in upper MI. Tighter annual rings= higher density.
I dont know whats going on with guys saw, but I have cut identical wood and never had these issues.
Thanks guys, its definitely red oak. Really sour smelling stuff. The planks in my garage are almost overwhelming.
Interesting, I'll have to give that a try, I'm having a hard time imagining it. I may be able to get a picture of a slab tomorrow in daylight for you to take a look. It may be our oaks are just that different.
By the way, that is an incredible bowl you made. What did you use to make it?
Maybe he cuts Live Oak(quercus virginia).You know, the state tree of Georgia. It is one of if not the densest, heaviest of the oaks.