For Xmas I received a hutlz ms660 kit. Took me about 8hrs to assemble everything fit smoothly (more or less).
She ran well from the get go. I used mb1-40 synthetic for assembly lube and did a slow break in. Starting at 20:1 penzoil AC and working up to 40:1 for general purpose. One month or so light daily use, wonderful saw, feels like a new Stihl.
Then on a whim I bought a bottle of amsoil and ran a tank at 80:1, seemed fine, thin oil. I wanted to believe in the magic of 100:1, I can't explain why I feel silly in retrospect. So I mix up a gallon at 100:1. Still not really working the saw too hard. Except for slabbing of the side of a 12" birch. Ran it wide open for several minutes. And then I was messing with the high idle and like and idiot using my cellphone to try and tune the sucker. I usually tune by ear but I had both ear plugs and music earmuffs going. (muffler ported) I knew the phone was giving bad readings and I increased the high idle speed too much. Kapow, she sized hard, metal shavings coming out the exhaust etc.
Upon tear down the lower rod bearing failed sending shards of metal up the cylinder etc. All pretty dry downstairs, interestingly enough the upstairs i.e. piston and cylinder it's self looked ok.
Just no lube in the case. I believe that had I been using regular mix the saw would not have been nearly so sensitive to the over reving.
I once had my real ms361 reving to 18k for brief moments during a tune/testing session and it didn't seem to hurt it.
I'm guessing the clone 660 bombed at around 14-15k, mind you running amsoil at 100:1.
Don't do what I did, amsoil is not real.
I rebuilt the saw and she runs good as of this moment. The only thing that doesn't work is the fast-idle-start position. Although she doesn't seem to need it.
Overall great saw, and the clone parts are just hilarious. I'm so amused. Took about three hours the second time to assemble. Seriously, what I learned is that I can blow it up and rebuild it for 50$? Good fun. If I can get 1000hrs or more between rebuilds I'll be thrilled.
She ran well from the get go. I used mb1-40 synthetic for assembly lube and did a slow break in. Starting at 20:1 penzoil AC and working up to 40:1 for general purpose. One month or so light daily use, wonderful saw, feels like a new Stihl.
Then on a whim I bought a bottle of amsoil and ran a tank at 80:1, seemed fine, thin oil. I wanted to believe in the magic of 100:1, I can't explain why I feel silly in retrospect. So I mix up a gallon at 100:1. Still not really working the saw too hard. Except for slabbing of the side of a 12" birch. Ran it wide open for several minutes. And then I was messing with the high idle and like and idiot using my cellphone to try and tune the sucker. I usually tune by ear but I had both ear plugs and music earmuffs going. (muffler ported) I knew the phone was giving bad readings and I increased the high idle speed too much. Kapow, she sized hard, metal shavings coming out the exhaust etc.
Upon tear down the lower rod bearing failed sending shards of metal up the cylinder etc. All pretty dry downstairs, interestingly enough the upstairs i.e. piston and cylinder it's self looked ok.
Just no lube in the case. I believe that had I been using regular mix the saw would not have been nearly so sensitive to the over reving.
I once had my real ms361 reving to 18k for brief moments during a tune/testing session and it didn't seem to hurt it.
I'm guessing the clone 660 bombed at around 14-15k, mind you running amsoil at 100:1.
Don't do what I did, amsoil is not real.
I rebuilt the saw and she runs good as of this moment. The only thing that doesn't work is the fast-idle-start position. Although she doesn't seem to need it.
Overall great saw, and the clone parts are just hilarious. I'm so amused. Took about three hours the second time to assemble. Seriously, what I learned is that I can blow it up and rebuild it for 50$? Good fun. If I can get 1000hrs or more between rebuilds I'll be thrilled.