don't buy the husky after running the 335's since they first came out and moving up to the 338's they are still junk .
I have had 2-335 and 2-338' problems problems, oh did i metion problems,
My sholder is killing me trying to get the damm thing to start, they get tuned they run good for a week and thay suck again. My sholder is so badi have to take pain killers and mussel relaxants (roxbaxaset) before and after work and each time i use them.
Got sick of this went to my jonney dealer and he also sells echo , so i bought the 360t (money is low in the winter) its not a bad saw. Compared to the 338heavier , not as powerful, and not as balanced. But for the money i really don't think you can go wrong. i went through about 15- 20 tanks of gas its comming on really strong now.Ihave not run the 020 sthil in about 5 years now great power but it is abig block of cement ,
I was thinking of getting a 020 in the spring and having the 360t to get me through the winter (money being tight and all) , but now i will probably get another 360t echo .
the 360t echo is good for pruinning and thats all, stuff around 9 inches max , after that it is taxing the motor.
when i first came on this site i made fun of some one that had the old echo tophandle saw said it was a girl saw well it was a bad saw,, i have experience with it it was really under powerd and broke in pieces in about 5 days of being on a city climbing crew.