Resident Creep
Stihl 028 & 038...Rick/Saw ****
Molecule, you mean this :Molecule said:any of the early (pre-Home Depot) Homelites. but I will say that of the most totally abused saws I've seen on eBay, it's seems almost hands down that the saws which have spent their lives being "rode real hard and put up drippin wet," are the Dolmar 120's.
Not by me. I found it on that Dolmar site with the photos. See : said:Elmore -- 'at one look a nice un. it been ab'used yet?
Sort of like the Ginkgo tree at Hiroshima, Eh...uhuh...Dolmar_Tech_Mgr said:I would have to say a Sachs-Dolmar model CT because it was made for long time and sold in certain countries that destroyed everything but this saw. It was so bullet proof you couldnt destroy it.
crash/banger said:My first choice would be the 288...........second the 066 both impervious to damage and abuse.....Wade
clearance said:Husky 288xp