It's called a safety factor, or margin.
Something rolling down the highway at highway speeds need a safety margin.
You don't want to load a trailer or truck to its breaking point.
Factor in pot holes and bad roads (at speed) and it's easy to see why it's like that.
Tires are the same way. There rated for weight but also speed.
All trailer tires are rated at 65 mph max, some highways have 70 mph speed limits.
Here in the south, we have to factor in heat in the summer.
Heat is a big killer of tires.
DOT has no problem pulling you over and putting you on the scales. (even small trailers)
These damn mexicans will buy a cheap $600.00 trailer and load them up to where the axles bend. No safety chain or safety pin on the hitch, and no breaks, on worn out used car tires that are bald.
The new inspection law is in effect so "ALL" trailers with 2 axles or rated at 5000 gvw or has breaks, must be inspected before you can get the license tags.
You have to pay the inspection retailer $7.00 and then another $7.00 when you get the tags. $14.00 total inspection cost.
Took my trailer down and had it inspected. All they did way check the VIN and that was it.
They didn't even check the lights, breaks or anything else, just the VIN.
I just replaced the tires on my 5000 lb trailer. Went from 8 ply to 10 ply. (same price as the 8 ply)
I've had to replace 2 of the springs that broke.
If I break another, I'm going to upgrade the springs.
Both springs were on the right side where most of the pot holes are.
Stay safe and don't over load your wagon. We all share the same road.