Well it ain't as bad as my problem my bucket truck with cat diesel engine just spun a thrust bearing for the crank and the transmission is blown up to boot. New truck is 120 KYou aint seen a bad day!
Trust me I have been there before as well. Bought an 94 R model Mack (used) but completely rebuilt and drove it to Heaber Springs AK and had put a brand new 90” tree spade on it at $130,000 just for the spade. Two weeks later the frame on the mack broke in half while I was driving down the road.
Now for those that are no familiar with R model Mack’s is there designed to be off road trucks with a double frame. I had all the walking beams removed and had them box in the double frame with another ½” frame over the top of the double frame. Witch made it a triple framed truck. She still broke in half.
I know all to well when you get into big trucks the price for parts and labor are ridiculous.
Just 10 tries can run you 10 grand depending on the tire you use.
I had one with 50”teara tires on the rear and 18” wide tires on the front. She was a mudder! That think would stand up like a tractor pull truck and lift the front tires off the ground about 10 feet. There was no steering but she would because of no left and rite break but shed crawl through some serious mud.