Tree Care????

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Line clearance is in no way shape or form tree care. Period!!! Do I agree that it is a fact of modern day life that must be performed? Yes I do. Did I work for the boys in Orange for 3 months? Yes I did. and in that three months I spiked up about 25 trees a day and topped them. Working 4 days a week that equals about a hundred trees I topped per week, times 4 weeks in a month thats 400 trees that I mutilated. Mulitply that by 3 months and you got approx. 1,200 threes that I mutilated, not cared for in my career with Asplundsh, and I was just one guy on a 4 climber crew. Wanna know the cool thing Guy? The General Forman was an ISA certified arborist, just like yourself. Does a title like that make it right? No, he was just another clown who worked for the company and after about 8 years of working there was finally able to pass the certification exam. Shall we go back to the thread that I posted last week? I posted pics of an elm that Asplundh tomohawked and I was the one gettin sharp shot about it. Fortunately the home owner hired a tree care professional like my self to come in and repair the damage. But how many home owners can actually afford to drop that kind of money to fix something that shouldnt have been done in the first place??? Asplundh doesnt care for trees, they mutilate them. Sheesh with all the preaching you do about saving trees Guy, I didnt think you would tap dance around the thread I posted by saying that drop crotching stubs like this could be bad and that we should just leave them be to sucker back. It kinda makes me wonder, Do the put ISA master arborist certificates in Cracker Jack Boxes?


Kenn, I hope you weren't sailing anywhere!

Cuz you just missed the boat! Guy's not talking about Certified Arborists. :rolleyes: It's always good to read a person's post before you go and blast them.
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
Alright Butch and Nick- Explain why you hammer me for my comment but Guy gets a free pass for calling us contract climbers hacks? The only people who call me a hack are people with a personal vendetta and no concept of what I do for a living or how I do it. And no, I won't bite my tongue and let some idiot blast me and my profession while claiming line clearance guys are 'arborists'.
I just thought it was hilarious that you would call Guy a hack. He's done a lot for the profession and is certainly not a hack.
I do not call myself an arborist. I have never liked that, it's a problem I've got with the name. An arborist is 'papered', with schooling/credentials/whatnot. Very much not like me.

I'm a tree climber. I deal with the hard-core dynamics, not all the nuances behind it.

Really, I guess I'm a rigger, and a high wire act.

But the reality is, it's all good.

Gee fellas, no need to get personal. All I said was "A utility arborist who works well according to standards is imvho caring more for trees than a hiredgun climber is on the days he is removing healthy trees on demand just to make an easy living."
I never called anyone here a hack; someone's hallucinating :dizzy: if they saw me say that.

Keeping trees away from wires is caring for them because trees may burn on contact with wires. Even if they're being paid to clear the lines, LC folks are still caring more for trees than they would be if they were butchering valuable trees on contract. No insult intended, that's just a fact.

Maiming for safety is more care-ful than murder. (Uh-oh, that was a spideyism) :eek:
No one here spends 100% of their time caring for the trees' best interests, so let's keep it civil.
LC is tree care if it's done the best way possible. I like my lights, and think how frustrating it would be trying to argue by smoke signal or carrier pigeon.:(
OH, Im sorry Nick, a certified utility arborist, well thats a horse of a different color. Thats kinda like the Mafia saying they are "Waste Management Consultants."

Some of the work we do would be considered hacking, we strip all limbs from one side of a tree because it is too close and the owner would not let us remove it. We also top conifers like pines, once again because the owner will not let us take it out. In my case and the case of the guy like me that permit the work and talk to owners, we explain what we prefer to do but the usally tell us to top it or wahtever...we then try to educate them on proper pruning and why it would be better to remove the trees,but they dont really care about that. We dont leave stubs where I work. And that includes the company crews, and other contractors including the boys in orange. I am not defending them for what they left of that tree, I would call the forester for the utilty company and have him take a look. yeah we hack (top pines) when we are not given an alternative.
Line clearance simply has different goals than tree care.

The same people who b!tch about the way the trees look whine every time the power goes out.
Maybe I am a bit dense at times, but I view it this way:

Fact - there are wires
Fact - there are at times trees that interfere with wires. (we can all wonder and complain about the poor choices that lead up to this conflict, but nonetheless it exists)
Fact - Some people cut to clear this situation with abandon and no concern for the tree. Others (the more caring and good intentioned of us) cut with the best possible outcome for the tree under the circumstances.

"Line clearance simply has different goals than tree care."

I trim branches away from houses, cars and other trees.

LC guys trim them away from wires. We're doing the same thing, helping trees and people coexist.

The main difference is, LC guys have fewer options, and have to take more crap from other tree guys who need to look down on someone.

On the days I'm removing trees, I'm not doing tree care, while LC guys are.