Received an email from the reporter after explaining why she can't be here Monday and asking her to not run the letter because I am afraid of how some might respond to it, what a huge can of worms it is, etc... I literally said I fear for my safety. But, I said she was more than welcome to come out any other time have a look at the damage and to discuss it further.
This is her reply.
Does this come across as snarky to you?

It sure hit me that way.
"I’ll ask our editor to pull your letter. He’d already saved space for it.
Fortunately, we have other things to cover and feature for Earth Day that won’t risk anyone’s health
(she actually put a smilie face there)
I’ll cancel my appointment to come out Monday.
Thanks! And good luck with your gardens and soil.
Happy Earth Day!"
"Good luck with your gardens and soil????"
Confirms I made the right decision.