Tree Of Heaven..Stinky

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Feb 6, 2007
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Last week, we were getting recertified for bucking. The tree we cut up was a Tree Of Heaven. It had been injected with herbicide to kill it 5 weeks prior, but still had a few green leaves on it.

To make the story short, I got some chips in my mouth. I thought it was probably a wild imagination, but my tongue felt tingly afterwards. Talked to a fellow recertifier and she said she had the same and a soreish throat afterwards. We were the only ones who bucked up the tree.

Should we have felt apprehensive about cutting on this tree? Afterwards, we were warned not to burn it. :confused: Which we won't do. It was hauled away and disposed of.
Last week, we were getting recertified for bucking. The tree we cut up was a Tree Of Heaven. It had been injected with herbicide to kill it 5 weeks prior, but still had a few green leaves on it.

To make the story short, I got some chips in my mouth. I thought it was probably a wild imagination, but my tongue felt tingly afterwards. Talked to a fellow recertifier and she said she had the same and a soreish throat afterwards. We were the only ones who bucked up the tree.

Should we have felt apprehensive about cutting on this tree? Afterwards, we were warned not to burn it. :confused: Which we won't do. It was hauled away and disposed of.

I dont think you got enough to harm you but stay away from toxins. Milk thistle is a good liver detox to take if you are worried about it look it up. Also you should find out exactly what compound you were fooling with and look that up.
Sorry ta hear ya had to tangle with one of those things.

The darn things make me rash up like nuclear Hives, but I have some ugly allergy issues anyhow.

Did some digging. This is the best one I found as it mentions the Chineese use of the bark for herbal stuff.

The good news is there is no mention of a LD50 rating for the nasty things anywhere I looked.;)

Stay safe!
Thanks. It doesn't seem so scary after reading that.


When I read that, I wondered if maybe, you possibly accidentally cured something, ya didn't know you had.:laugh:

Ya never know. Stuff happens sometimes.;)

Stay safe!
The male trees emit that really obnoxious odor. Had them around my Grammas house and you could smell some of them from a hundred feet away. Haven't burned it for firewood but read that it should be ok.

Yes the male trees are the stinky ones. I burned lots of it years ago. The biggest problem is when the wood dries out it gets like balsa wood real light. I was going to plant a few acres of them for firewood trees but i didn't...Bob
Hush up yoop. The gals a lady.;)

Stay safe!

Not to worry. Been working with guys for years and years...

All we were told, by an official botanist, was that it was not to be burned in wood stoves. She failed to mention that the fire guys probably shouldn't burn it either, if it was so toxic. We told them, they then planned to dump it where it would probably rot away. I could have used it on a dog who had Yooper's problem, but rice and chicken broth worked.:)
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