OK, OK, so I'm taking a beating here. I can admit when I made a mistake. I agree that the bid is the bid, and thats how I normally approach it, guess I had a momentary lapse of reason. I did get the job at my bid, and I did offer to just drop them, but he insist on not wanting the big dents from the trees, so lower away I will. Forgive me for my stupidity, LOL I said when I joined this site that I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong. I lucked out on this one, but at least I learned a lesson. Still pretty new at this whole things, but thanks to site site, I have certainly learned a lot more.
Also, some mentioned not giving discounts. I give Veterans a discount( with some varification ) I'm actually planning on doing some free work for homesforourtroops.org. without etting into huge detail, they recently gave a home they builty to a disabled Veteran nearby, and we have helped with the building process, some trees were damaged along the driveway, and should have been removed early on, but they wer't, so I told them I'd do it.