Tree Respect

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Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder
How much fouling will Nature put up with? My dawg don't even poop near his own plate! In the end, will She need the trees or us more? Perhaps space exploration is a good thing, might need it!

Are the faces in those pictures edited in as a hoax (if you know). I see another "old man" in the top of the pic.
Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder
MB might want those (if free and clear, and any more) for the best growing collection on Net:Awesome, Huge, Historic Tree Pix

i gots some winter tree gear i don't need anymore:
This picture looks incredible to me. I'd have a tough time believing they skidded that much weight with two horses. Heck, that's a load for a 40-ton-truck! <i>Maybe</i> with a couple scores of horses.:)
Glens, i try to go with ya on that, anything i say is jest kidding about all that. Smaller files; i might imbed. these B&W pix, were kinda small, but i guess there is a few of them.

i continiued imbedding, cuz they were small, and the awesome subject matter, if anything should be offered the more seamless flow of not having to open and close pix, i though that this was it!

i guess sled pic shulda been a tad smaller; i'm kinda sporting a $100 21" monitor from computer show for over a 2years now (and cable) so it is harder to assess what is fair to topic.

The re-imbedding just enthusiasm i'm sure!

i found this ol'familiar pic; listed under "Arbor-Orgy" at a 'civilian site'.


I have a squid cache running this side of the modem, so after a page has been fetched (and so long as the server isn't configured to order no-caching -- like some are incompetently done, such as sherrills), for a reasonable number of days, the next time I fetch it, most everything is already this side of the modem and it loads faster than even your broadband could deliver it.&nbsp; The thing about all the large embedded images here is that it ties up my full slow bandwidth just loading the page the first time.&nbsp; That's not entirely bad if it's expected but can be a cause for concern otherwise.

I load the "get all new" page here at AS and start going up through the list, middle-clicking on the new-post icons, opening each in a new tab/window.&nbsp; I'll be reading a page and maybe click on a link for an attachment and nothing happens.&nbsp; So I look at the modem in/out stripchart and see the pipeline's all tied up, and don't have a clue which page it might be until I stop and go through all the tabs/windows.

Sorry to be crying like this on your shoulder, but it's rather inconsiderate to embed stuff like that.&nbsp; Your web site takes an inordinate amount of time to load, as well, because you're sending large images and for the most part telling the browser to show them at a smaller size.&nbsp; You pages would load very much quicker for everyone, and save you on bandwidth cost/allotment, if you were to resize them to the dimension you desire before you put them on the server.&nbsp; It's a winner for everyone that way!

Good hints on dynamics of pix as always. Will address site with those notions bro when i settle down to adjsuting it, Thanx!

i walk the line with ya, rarely imbedding pix in numbers of amount or size.

Here, once again, i think that the higher purpose of awe at these magnificient giants and spirit it took in those days, with those tools; is more seamless, without opening each pic.

In times of that precept along with safety; i think the usual standards can be relaxed; to let that more purely shine thru. While it is true, not all have cable; it is just as true, that many do.

i value your input, sometimes just as a supreme test! Will be changing the Knut deal as y'all pointed out at Tom's House (is that legal, or is that a non-place?) the other night. It works fine for me(been riding it ever since ya said something), has been discussed before. i'm on Tenex for friction device, and my 28 1/2" waist is the same as JP'as thigh!! i've looked back over a lot of stuff, and will just yield to other's tests there; supposed to help, not hurt.

Baddddd Azz Lightning Pics


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